Perennial yellow foxgloves (Digitalis grandiflora) is pretty even in ice. I am glad that they decided to join us again this year by reblooming in September on the Shade Path.
More on Gilmore Gardens' new season soon.
I have my work cut out for me this week in the garden... and as long as l can keep my fingers and toes from freezing, I will enjoy every minute of it!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Frost this morning...
Clematis on the butterfly trellis by the Circle Lawn |
creating art in the garden.
All must fall for spring to rise.
There are reports that Sissinghurst Castle is likely to have its frost any day now too. There is also comfort in commonality. All gardens, big and small, ancient and new, will face this fate: to live through the harshest part of their year in order to enjoy the season to come.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Fall Gardening Task #4: Save the Cosmos!
Somehow I cannot keep myself from running around trying to save every little flower that still has life from the impending frost.
My garage is stuffed with potted ferns, flats of begonias, a few choice impatients and a couple of large fushias. And in the house, we have some bouquets for the weekend!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Eric Peters in concert at Gilmore Gardens
Friends seated around our small backyard for an afternoon of music. |
Our patio did a great job disguising itself as a stage for this event. |
Some fall cookies & cider for extra cheer. |
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Music for the finches and nuthatches to dine to. |
(You do not think I would let them get away without that, do you?!)
Next up on the Gilmore Cultural Series:
"Doe a deer, a female deer" performed by Anna, my dynamic three-year-old. Inspired by her first viewing of The Sound of Music.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Dahlia 'Peaches 'n Cream'
Dahlia 'Peaches 'n Cream' |
She is situated in our Driveway Garden and has reached nearly 6 feet (her tag said to expect 48 inches). She just started blooming this month, so I am glad that our frost held off so that we could see some blooms! (Though I see today that it is expected on Oct 28th in our area... *sigh*. All good things must come to an end, until heaven.)
Dahlia 'Peaches 'n Cream' in her early days |
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Sited in our Driveway Garden by the sidewalk and strapped to the trellis |
Catching the morning sun... you might remember this shot from GBBD October |
I love all of the variation in her coloring. |
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Perfect coloring for October, especially in front of our yellow maples. |
Hope you can enjoy a sunny day today wherever you are in the world!
It is rain for us, which is not all bad... perfect planting weather, if you can convince yourself you do not mind getting a little wet.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Glimpses of the Driveway Garden in October
Purple Aster 'Peter III' above our pumpkin and a nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) blossom from the Front Woodland. |
Foliage contrast with Lavendula 'Munstead', Sedum 'Acre', Fescue 'Elijah Blue', pixie lilies and a dwarf arbor vitae. |
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Aster 'Peter III', salmon hardy mum Dendranthema 'Sheffield Pink' and dwarf miscanthus grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Dixieland'). |
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Rose OSO Easy Paprika |
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Dahlia 'Peaches 'n Cream' reaching up to 6 foot by the sidewalk. |
Just some photos to savor more of fall at Gilmore Gardens.
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Hill Garden on an October morning...
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View down the Front Walk to the Hill Garden |
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Canna 'King Humbert' with Echinacea purpurea and tufts of shasta daisy foliage (see July). |
I love it in front of the yellow fall foliage! |
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) will be left up for the whole winter. |
Still some rosy glow, thankfully! |
I hope those of you who garden in the cool areas of the northern hemisphere are able to savor these last fleeting garden moments of the year! Take an extra walk around your garden or the park today to drink it in!
Once you have finished enjoying this foliage for October, you might enjoy going on to Christina at Creating My Own Garden of the Hesperides to read about more foliage across the world for Garden Bloggers' Foliage Day, which is the 22nd of each month.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Fall Gardening Task #3: Move and Thin Perennial Seedlings
Oh, what a wonderful sight!
Baby flowers everywhere. But we want them all to thrive, instead of smothering each other. And there are some areas in the garden that are void of these Columbine (Aquilegia) beauties. The solution is simple: pluck them out with a japanese knife (my favorite tool) or a trowel and set them to growing in the bare areas.
This is my favorite kind of gardening. Leisurely.
Firstly, it is always better to transplant little babies like these on cloudy or rainy days in spring or fall.
Do not be afraid to pop them out, even large sections of seedlings. I usually put them in a large pot (steer clear the holes or use a box instead!), divide them apart from each other and then walk around the rest of the garden thinking about where a nice patch of columbine would add some color at the end of May.
Be sure the soil in their new home is loose, not compacted. Dig tiny holes and be sure that, when you put them in, they are not planted too deeply. Their tiny crowns need to be just at soil level. If you do not have the advantage of rain after planting, then give them a gentle, tiny sprinkle for their new tiny hole. I prefer swaths of flowers, so I often plant several seedlings in the same area... some times dozens in a larger area.
In the fall, I thin my columbine (Aquilegia), forget-me-nots (Myosotis) and foxgloves (Digitalis). I might also find other little babies that I would like to have more of around the base of their parent plants. Large sections of my garden were covered in just a few years with the extra care in moving these seedling babies around.
You will be richly rewarded for your cold, rainy work come next year!
Read more from the Fall Gardening Tasks series:
#1 Planting Lavender in wet climates
#2 New perennials for fall planting
Columbine (Aquilegia) seedlings around the Circle Lawn |
This is my favorite kind of gardening. Leisurely.
Here, there and everywhere amongst the geraniums, sedums and turf. |
Do not be afraid to pop them out, even large sections of seedlings. I usually put them in a large pot (steer clear the holes or use a box instead!), divide them apart from each other and then walk around the rest of the garden thinking about where a nice patch of columbine would add some color at the end of May.
Be sure the soil in their new home is loose, not compacted. Dig tiny holes and be sure that, when you put them in, they are not planted too deeply. Their tiny crowns need to be just at soil level. If you do not have the advantage of rain after planting, then give them a gentle, tiny sprinkle for their new tiny hole. I prefer swaths of flowers, so I often plant several seedlings in the same area... some times dozens in a larger area.
Columbine, forget-me-nots and foxglove foliage in May this year. |
You will be richly rewarded for your cold, rainy work come next year!
Read more from the Fall Gardening Tasks series:
#1 Planting Lavender in wet climates
#2 New perennials for fall planting
Monday, October 17, 2011
What is my plant hardiness zone?
A wonderful web resource for finding out what plant cold hardiness zone in the US you are gardening in:
Go the the page and type in your zip code, or select your state in the index list.
The caveat to counting on plant hardiness zones is that one must remember that they are averages. There will be times and places which will experience colder or warmer temperatures from the rest of the area.
For example, if you garden way out in the country it will get colder than if you garden in town.
In town, with lots of buildings and paving around your lot, you might be a zone warmer.
Another twist might be that a sheltered area in a warm spot of your yard (called a microclimate) might only be warmer for summertime; it may also be a frost pocket because the winter wind funnels into it (advice stolen from one of my favorites, C. Lloyd).
Each garden - and even each spot in your garden - has its own characteristics.
But still, this is very useful information for getting you into the ballpark, so to speak.
Go the the page and type in your zip code, or select your state in the index list.
For instance, when I looked at the map of Pennsylvania, I was able to see that it is not all my fault that some of my plants did not survive the winter! Negative 20 degrees F (-28 C) is pretty cold!! Since I am in zone 5, I can see that I should expect to use plants that will survive temperatures down to negative 20 degrees F.
For example, if you garden way out in the country it will get colder than if you garden in town.
In town, with lots of buildings and paving around your lot, you might be a zone warmer.
Another twist might be that a sheltered area in a warm spot of your yard (called a microclimate) might only be warmer for summertime; it may also be a frost pocket because the winter wind funnels into it (advice stolen from one of my favorites, C. Lloyd).
Each garden - and even each spot in your garden - has its own characteristics.
But still, this is very useful information for getting you into the ballpark, so to speak.
Gilmore Gardens in October in Zone 5 |
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Garden Blogger's Bloom Day ~ October 2011
Dahlia 'Peaches 'n Cream' |
Welcome to our Pennsylvania, USA garden (hardiness zone 5). We are fortunate not to have had our first frost yet this month. Sometimes the snow flies on October 1st! Most of the plantings are similar to those from September, but the asters are not to be missed this month. And my favorite are on the Shade Path garden, which lives between our home and the sidewalk...
The Shade Path:
Begonia 'Big Rex', white-flowered native aster (Doellingeria umbellata) and Digitalis grandiflora. |
Sedum 'Frosty Morn' under Northern Sea Oats (Chasmanthium latifolium). |
Dark-leaved annual begonias with chartreuse Sedum 'Acre' and under hung by the white flat-topped aster. |
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Evening light through the trellises around the Circle Lawn, at the end of the Shade Path. |
Cherry Corner & the Front Walk:
Reds and purples have been the themes in the annual plantings this year for these gardens in front of the house. |
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Dahlia 'Heat Wave' has over three dozen blooms in the Front Walk this weekend. |
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Canna 'King Humbert' and Dahlia 'Heat Wave' with pink cosmos at their feet. |
Canna 'King Humbert' in the October morning light. |
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Catmint (Nepeta 'Walker's Low') re-blooming under the dahlias. (See it in June.) |
The Hill Garden:
View of the Hill Garden from the driveway. |
Rosa 'The Fairy' is pop pink in front of Sedum 'Acre'. Last year it bloomed for Thanksgiving in the snow (see it here). |
Purple coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) that I seeded here, in front of Sedum 'Autumn Joy' and Canna 'King Humbert'. |
Another shot of the pink tapestry on the Hill. Purple barberry bushes behind Rosa 'The Fairy'. |
Seed heads of Allium tuberosum leaning over the lamb's ears, Sedum 'Autumn Joy' and barberry bushes. |
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Stachys byzantina, Sedum 'Autumn Joy', purple barberry, Canna 'King Humbert'. |
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A brilliant yellow backdrop for the Driveway Garden. |
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Miscanthus 'Dixieland' in front of purple Aster 'Peter III' |
Dahlia 'Peaches 'n Cream' soaring over the Driveway Garden. |
Pumpkins brightening our walk to the car. |
We are really happy with the garden this fall and hope that you have enjoyed it too!
A big THANKS to Carol at May Dreams for hosting GBBD! Visit her to see more flowers from gardens around the world!
If you are interested in keeping up with Gilmore Gardens at Wife, Mother, Gardener, just take a look at the right-hand column.
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