
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day ~ November 2011

The Hill Garden in November
Welcome to Gilmore Gardens in November!
 We have come through frost and snow to emerge with one more bloom post for the year. It is highly unlikely there will be many flowers for December. But for now, I am immensely enjoying the autumn season this year in our garden and our last moments in the (remaining) sun.
View across the Front Walk to the Hill
Late-fall is full of sedums, roses, foxgloves (yes, Digitalis)... and one more surprise you will find as you read along.  The seed heads, colorful leaves and few grasses do not hurt either. Actually, I love them at this time almost better than the flowers, most of which I have seen already in another part of the year. But, Garden Bloggers' Foliage Day is not until the 22nd at Creating My Own Garden of the Hesperides.

Faded Allium tuberosum viewed from the sidewalk
Looking at the Hill Garden from the sidewalk affords you a view of the Allium tuberosum in its autumnal state, dancing along the now deep-rose colored Sedum 'Autumn Joy' and pop pink Rosa 'The Fairy', all under planted with silvery soft lamb's ears (Stachys byzantine).  These plants have been fabulous partners for months in this sunny and well-drained garden.  Allium tuberosum, which is easy to grow from seed, blooms white in September.
View from the driveway of the Hill
On the opposite side of the Hill we can see pink Rosa 'The Fairy' in front. It's first flush was in June/July. These flowers are wonderfully refreshing at this time of year when everything is in decay. But then, it is decay in the form of changing foliage color and seed heads (like purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea) that make this such a different experience than even October.  

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' may be an overused plant, but there are several reason why that is so! It looks fresh in the heat of August when many early-season plants look a little tired; it has a three part color change beginning with light pink in September, to medium in October, to deep-rose in November. And I have not yet met a member of the Sedum family that was not incredibly easy to propagate yourself; simply break off a piece and tuck it in soil. 

Vivid tones of purple barberry bush (Berberis thunbergii)
At the opposite corner of our front-yard garden is Cherry Corner, named for the weeping cherry tree we planted there three years ago. Under the tree we have a planting that ends with Sedum 'Autumn Joy', following a succession of daffodils, daylilies, annuals and black-eyed susans (various yellow Rudbeckia mixed).
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' with fading Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola').
If you peek behind the Cherry tree in the above photo, you will see the home of our November flowering surprise...
Trellis around the Circle Lawn with Clematis 'Fairy Dust'
Clematis 'Fairy Dust' was added to the Circle Lawn in the spring. It did not bloom earlier in the season, as it was busy getting established. So this late and unexpected mini-show was fun to come across just as I was out taking pictures of the frost. I love it when the garden I have worked to create surprises me instead.
Clematis 'Fairy Dust' in a November sunset
(Do you suppose it is the rose in the Hill Garden that is responsible for this Clematis' appearance? It is Rosa 'The Fairy' and this is Clematis 'Fairy Dust' after all...We need the fairies to encourage us in our Pennsylvania November.)

View from the Circle Lawn to the Shade Path... color enhanced only by the sunset.
The Shade Path seen from the sidewalk
And lastly, those foxgloves just will not stop on the Shade Path. The annuals and hostas were torn out weeks ago, the native aster is faded, but the yellow perennial foxgloves (Digitalis grandiflora) just keep going. I am so glad that I remembered to cut them back after they flowered! Northern sea oats (Chasmanthium latifolium) stands by the silver maple tree at left in the above photo.
Yellow perennial foxgloves (Digitalis grandiflora)

Thank you again to Carol at May Dreams for hosting GBBD on the 15th of every month!

I recommend spending a few indulgent moments - with a cup of tea as a requirement - perusing through the long list of amazing gardens from around the world. I am looking forward to seeing some spring/summer photos from blogging friends in Australia! (I am perpetually waiting for spring; a hopeless spring romantic.)

Happy November to your part of the world!


  1. Your gardens are weathering fall just beautifully!

  2. Your gardens are fabulous in the fall! Hard to believe that you have already had a sprinkling of snow and frost. I'm not ready for the cold just yet. I enjoyed your garden tour!

  3. Nothing really looks frosted in any of your photos; it is fabulous, everywhere there is interest, colour and form - perfect. thanks for the mention about Foliage day on the 22nd. Christina

  4. I love all the warm and golden colors this season brings.

    The clematis reminds me of an orchid somehow.

    Still a beautiful place. Great work!

  5. The Clematis is gorgeous! I love all the colour and variety in your Autumn garden. Beautiful!
    Happy GBBD :)

  6. Spring and Autumn are my favorite seasons. Your clematis and Digitalis still look beautiful.

  7. Julie your gardens look amazing in fall and a bonus clematis...One of mine braved the freeze and snow to shoot out one more bloom too...I have rose "The Fairy" I think fairies are very necessary in our gardens...they encourage the sleepy heads to bloom when they would rather laze about...Happy GBBD!!

  8. Oh my mercy...can you come help me design my new garden?? I just love your gardens and the intricacies you have in them. Your autumn garden is lovely!

  9. Autumn is a beautiful season in your garden. Beautiful light, too.

  10. Gorgeous colors! The gold of the tree leaves over the Hill garden says 'autumn' perfectly. And that sedum!!!! Wow - I don't think mine ever looks that saturated! Love all the pinks and purples in the view from the driveway. What a beautiful garden.

  11. Lovely, especially the view of the driveway from the Hill--the color combination is amazing. Happy GBBD.

  12. Love this layering of autumn color in the perennials: burgundy, dusty rose, silver green. Your garden is really beautiful!

  13. Beautiful post, as always! I agree with you on the Sedums...they are popular for a reason...they are truly wonderful, indispensible plants! I think I'm gonna have to find some seed for those 'em!

  14. Julie this is terrific, there’s just so much still happening. The Allium tuberosum heads are particularly beautiful!

  15. Wow, you still have quite a bit going on in your garden, and you had a sunny day to photograph it to boot!

    I did not realize foxglove would continue to bloom for so long.

    Thanks for visiting my blog a couple weeks ago. Forgive me for taking so long to reply; I've gotten preoccupied with decluttering my house, and it is taking up the time I would usually use to write!

  16. You have a fabulous array of colour in your garden still, and those sedums will continue to look wonderful even after the flowers are a memory, you have great structure in your garden - and texture!

  17. What lovely photos even as the growing season draws to a close. I especially like the first, third, fourth and fifth.


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