
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Projects Around Havenwood

Filling in the lily pond for the year...

Autumn is in full swing in Pennsylvania... the last of my children's soccer games are on this Saturday, the leaves are all looking a bit less green and more yellow, there is an urgent need to get some garden pots washed and stacked before snow is here, and we have had our first light frost so the counter is stacked high with green tomatoes and tiny watermelon that might be worth a bite or two.

Bulbs are going in at a terrific rate around here, with 100 per day as my goal. We had 2,500 on our order this year, as I am excited to get many different varieties naturalizing around Havenwood. Only the tulips will remain to be planted after today, which need to wait until the ground temperatures become lower (after a hard frost) to discourage early growth before spring. I did chose many of the varieties that I posted on my How to Chose a Tulip Combination post.
We needed more sand for a few area, and the kids are only to happy to have another chance to go to the beach this year. :)
This is one of the areas that needed sand, our lily pond. When I realized we were not going to have the time or stone to finish this raised pond in the Pergola garden this year (see my garden plan!), I needed to find a temporary solution for the mud pit we had dug in its location. Sand + flag stones = pot patio for seasonal displays
Trenches dug for electrical conduit that run down to the far corner of the Birch Walk...
... and to the pond in the Pergola garden.
400 bulbs put in the grass of the Birch Walk.
A new hedge of blueberry bushes near the Fruit Tunnel. Also, a Harry Lauder's walking stick tree (Corylus avellana) that will one day be surrounded by pale yellow primula for springtime.
I hope you are enjoying October in your part of the world!


  1. Wow..2500 bulbs. Can't wait to see what they will look like come spring, as well as all the other changes you've made. I'm sad that gardening season is winding down, but excited for all the beautiful colors that come with Autumn!

    1. Thanks Margaret! I cannot help feel sad for the end of the season as well... but I am going to need a break pretty soon :)

  2. You've made such great progress. I can't wait to see your bulbs this spring!

    Happy Gardening :)

    1. Thanks Emily! I really cannot wait either... kinda live through winter dreaming everyday of spring. :)

  3. Your bulbs are going to look amazing! I hope you had plenty of help planting them, my back aches just thinking about it!

    1. Thanks Pauline! My husband and my daughter Anna have both been glad to help out. :)

  4. My goodness Julie what a transformation so far...soon time to rest as you will need it!

    1. You are right, Donna! It will be back to blogging and my studying for the rest of the RHS tests next spring :)

  5. wow! Julie, SO SO fun to see your progress! You have done so much! I can't wait to see your gardens this spring!!! And LOVE seeing your photos!!!:) Miss you all so much!

    1. Thanks Melissa! We hope you and your new little one will be able to come see some flowers next year sometime!!! :)

  6. Wow--you are industrious! I can't wait to see your Tulips featured on your blog next spring. What a nice treatment of the patio with the pots!

  7. Your neighbours must wonder what is happening in your garden, Julie! You are being so methodical I admire the way you are going about this project. Planting masses of bulbs is a wonderful thing to do; they give so much pleasure in spring and planting them this year will mean that they can begin to naturalise ASAP. Well done!

  8. I don't think I have seen anyone achieve quite as much as you have in such a short time. Do you perchance have an 50 hour day over there!
    Lovely to see the kids joining in and having fun, I'll bet they are a great help too you.
    2500 bulbs, what a display you are going to have. Will be eagerly awaiting a spring post from you.

  9. Wow 2,500 bulbs I like the sound of that, I imagine I would like seeing it even more. I'm into my bulb planting phase of fall myself. Good luck to us both


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