
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Climbing Rose and Clematis Combination

Clematis 'Madam Julia Correvon' blooming with our pink climbing rose.
It is rose season at our house!

The pink climbing rose is blooming this week and oh, so fragrant. Last year I added a clematis to it, and this is the first year they have bloomed together. Clematis 'Madam Julia Correvon' is a beautiful red climber that we also have on a trellis by our Circle Lawn (see it last week).

This trellis disguises our trash can area, under a staircase. We pulled out one sidewalk paver to make room to plant the rose five years ago, and added Sedum 'Acre' to keep the weeds out. The clematis was planted last year. Both climbers are given a good mulching with mushroom compost in the spring to help them in this hot, dry area. Cars park right up to the railroad tie, which you see at the bottom; it separates the planting hole from the gravel parking lot.
I bought this rose as Rosa 'Moonlight' from Wayside Gardens... but I think it was mislabeled...
It is lovely, though hangs a bit too much for this trellis. I am thinking of moving it someday, as it would be perfect suspended over-head on a pergola. Its sweetly scented roses would fall right to your nose... bliss*
Clematis 'Madam Julia Correvon' and pink climbing rose.
Besides mulching, I checked on the clematis stems earlier in the season to be sure they were climbing the right direction. This is a very low maintenance plant combination! Very worth trying if you have a rose bush or climber.
The late-day sun popped out from behind the clouds for this last photo!
If you like this rose and clematis, you will also love our light pink rose bush and Clematis viticella 'Etoile Violette' in our Driveway Garden.

More pretty flowers from our house coming soon! Everything is bursting these lovely weeks of June.


  1. Really gorgeous this climbing rose with the Mme Julia Correvon clematis. The colourcombination is perfect.

  2. Wow your post is so timely for me!
    Last week I bought madame Julia and searched online for a pale pink rose combination!!
    I have New Dawn growing up an arch, now I'm thinking I need to replant the clematis already!
    ps. I also have Etoile violette!

    1. Thats sounds like a beautiful idea :) Glad I could help. Thanks for stopping by & commenting!

  3. WOW!!!! absolutely beautiful... SO gorgeous!!!! I love the combination!!!:)

    1. Thanks Melissa! Wish you were here to see it :)

  4. Your photos are so beautiful. These are great companion plants. I had a Mme Julia at my last home and I didn't care for it but maybe it just needed another flower to really make it pop. You really excel with your color combos in the garden.

    1. Thanks Stacy!
      Most plants, even the plain ones, just need the perfect spot in the garden to really show them off. Thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of plants is a good place to start when trying to think about how to combine them.
      Hope your clematis wows you yet!

  5. Another stunning combination, you certainly know how to combine plants to give a pleasing effect!

    1. Thanks Pauline! That is a great complement coming from you.

  6. It is always sad when a rose hangs its head like that. Nice combination. Christina

  7. Julie, BEAUTIFUL!
    your garden is soo beautiful. Not sure the name anymore clematic is bloooming. Has small light blue flowers. I lost the one I bought last year so will try to plant one more again. We are getting showers and suppose to be coming most of this week also with humidity. We have been lucky to forget the humidity so far this year. Thanks for making my day again. Sheila

    1. Aw... thanks Sheila! Glad you enjoy my posts :)

  8. Both are gorgeous and I love the color of the clematis

    1. Thanks Donna! It is a beautiful color... more red than many others. Though the light it is seen in has a lot to do with its color as well. It should grow over 10 feet.

  9. Gorgeous! Love that soft pink and deeper pink combo. So big and healthy and luscious :-) I just planted a lavender 'Mrs. Chlomandy' clematis at the base of my climbing yellow 'Teasing Georgia'. Next year should be pretty with the two together.

  10. That is such a great combination, and one I think I'm going to try soon!!

  11. I love that pink and red color combination! Your rose looks unbelievably healthy. I'm contemplating which clematis to plant with my roses... that's a great one. I really like how the shape of that clematis contrasts with the full rose blossoms.

  12. I like it! Something about the combination of pink and red, along with the contrast in form, is very soothing. They look right together.


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