
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Clematis 'Henryetta'

Clematis 'Henryetta' on a trellis in the Driveway Garden this week.
Clematis 'Henryetta' is really blooming this week on a trellis in the Driveway Garden. And it only took a couple of years to get to this point. My experience with clematis is that they often take a few years to get settled and really start blooming.

This clematis is a not a great climber... in fact it is more of a mound-maker. I imagine it crawling slowly over old stumps in its native habitat. That meant that it took a a little more persistence to make sure that it was tied into the small trellis in this tightly planted bed, instead of flopped over somewhere underneath everything. But it was worth the effort! I love its pendulous flowers.

Clematis 'Henryetta' is planted over Lavandula augustifolia 'Munstead Wood', Geranium 'Orion' and many others.
Clematis 'Henryetta'
Clematis 'Henryetta' blooming for the first year since it was planted.

So many lovely clematis blooming at our house this week!
See more in my GBBD June 2013 post.

Or take a tour of our small, town gardens on our Garden Map.


  1. I always thought they were climbers, but the more I think about it, where I've seen them they've had help! It's good to know they take a while to get established, I have two spots I'd like to have them, and I had better get going this year!

  2. Very beautiful clematis! I love the bell shaped flowers. I just planted a clematis called Arabella and it does not climb either. It is actually a bit frustrating but it is still such a beautiful flower.

  3. Julie I love the bell shaped clematis and this color is especially pretty. Love the last picture with the lavender. I have many that are still needing time to get going but those established are really blooming this year. I hope to get a few to ramble over stumps we have left bu have not had any luck. But I will not give up yet.

  4. What a beauty! It's so true, some Clematis really aren't "climbers" in the usual sense of the word...they need a little help from us gardeners ;-)

  5. What a pretty Henryetta is and such a lovely colour too. There are so many different varieties these days, one for every situation.

  6. That pink goes really nicely with the blue lavender and geranium.

  7. I want! I want! What a beautiful plant, and you've got it in a great setting. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Great colour combo, gorgeous flower!

  9. Clematis is one of my favorite flowers. I'm not familiar with 'Henryetta,' but yours is so pretty. I love everything about it...I will definitely be looking for that one!

  10. Beautiful clematis! I have several of the large flowered varieties, but this year I planted one of the small flowered ones 'Princess Diana'. I think you are right that it takes them some time to become established. I think I will watch to see if mine has any trouble climbing.

  11. Yay! These are beautiful Clematis blooms! I finally got Nelly Moser re-established on two trellises. So far, so good! They're climbing nearly to the top of the trellises. But I don't want to jinx things, so I'm trying not to get too excited. ;-)

  12. Ohhhh that's beautiful! Gorgeous photographs.


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