
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Unseasonably warm weather in Pennsylvania Gardens

The Hill Garden: Tulipa 'Ice Stick', Narcissus 'Tete-a-tete' and Crocus vernus 'Grand Maitre'
Can this really be March??

Pink weeping cherry (Prunus) tree in the Cherry Corner Garden at the front of our lot.
Persian lilac (Syringa x persica) leafing out in the Driveway Garden.
In Cherry Corner: Narcissus 'Tete-a-tete', Crocus vernus 'Grand Maitre' and variegated loosestrife's pink shoots (Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander').
Old rose bush leafing out in the Driveway Garden.
By the walk in the Driveway Garden: Hyacinthus orientalis 'Aiolos' with Festuca 'Elijah Blue'.
Crazy kids loving the sun and baby pool in March!
A pot on the back stoop with Narcissus 'Tete-a-tete' and Tulipa 'Persian Pearl'.
See March of last year for a real contrast (Hill Garden and Driveway Garden). Even just a few weeks ago! Snow, snow, snow.

We are enjoying the sun: playing at the park, holding reading class outside, and a trip to the local ice cream shop. I have continued not to feel well, but has been so enjoyable to be able to be outside. Just walking about the garden with my camera is a treat.


  1. So sorry you are not feeling well, hope that just being in the garden is lifting your spirits. You seem to be having the same beautiful weather that we are, temperatures far too high for this time of year, we will pay for it later ! Your plants all look very happy in the sunshine, hope they are not over too soon!!

  2. I love the shots of the sun illuminating your daffodils! So beautiful.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon...I have to keep checking the calendar and yes it says my garden is on steroids...that will end this week as seasonable temps come...I do pray no freeze though with the lilacs showing up already!

  4. Sorry you're still not feeling well. I hope that changes soon. Your children look so happy playing in that pool! How fun! Your garden is looking beautiful. I can imagine that a stroll through your gardens would lift anyone's spirits.

  5. Julie, I'm so sorry your inner-ear problems haven't been resolved; it must be horrible to have the world in motion, like being in an earthquake or something, I hope you'll be better soon. Your garden looks lovely and I'm sure, like me, a walk around to see all the new things happening will at least help you feel a little better. Christina

    1. Thanks Christina.
      It is really not fun at some moments, but I have learned to slow down a bit and try to enjoy the moments around me. I am not sure now if it is indeed inner ear related, but hopefully we will find out soon.

  6. Terrified about the weather on Monday/Tuesday. Predicted 28 degrees here.

  7. The photos are beautiful! children seem so happy ...

    This is Meniere's syndrome affecting you? I wish you well be able to rest.

    Regards Francoise

    1. Thank you Francoise. I am not sure yet what is going on with my health, but we are in the middle of a lot of testing. I take some days much more slowly :)

      Thank you for reading along!


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