
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trellis for new heights

   I just stumbled upon a video of one of my garden heroes, Christopher Lloyd, and heard him say,
"When people say they haven't got room for a clematis it is always such non-sense because all you have to do is to put a pole in somewhere and you've got all that vertical space, which was doing nothing."
   Certainly true. There is hardly a better reason for adding a few more climbers.  I long to grow some rambling roses up the back maple tree... but perhaps that will be for another location, another year.

   This year, however, I have been on a quest for a trio of trellises to add some height and minimal privacy to the Circle Lawn. I had a difficult time finding something in the style that I wanted. Then I saw these smaller flower trellises while browsing at Lowes and could not pass them by...

   They make great vertical windows between our maturing lilac bushes in our Driveway Garden (below). And I wasted no time getting a few more clematis at my favorite local nursery. I chose C. 'Henryetta' and 'John Warren', if your curiosity is piqued.

   Finally, after trying a few options, I bought these three at our local discount grocery store (below)... They are not what I first envisioned, but after having them home for a few days, I think they will work quite well. 
   And the best part - more clematis! I went shopping this afternoon. When I am on a gardening mission, watch out. I find it difficult to contain my excitement, though it is possible... with help.

   I chose C. 'Fairydust' and 'Mme. Julia Correvon'.  An unnamed medium pink clematis is already planted in the middle spot. I tried for a variety of flower colors from pink to red, and of bloom times from May to August.

   I like the symmetry and continuity these trellises bring to the Circle Lawn and its surrounding planting.  I will write more about the Shade Path and Cherry Corner Gardens later this week.

   And my hard-working grounds crew... also known as hubby.  Thanks for mowing that Circle Lawn, honey! It's not the easiest, but definitely worth it!... from my viewpoint anyway.

Check back for our continuing series for the First Week of May all this week! 

See the whole series for the First Week of May:
Trellis for New Heights
Shade Path


  1. Julie, what a great idea for vertical interest! Clematis are so beautiful! I'll look up those varieties that you purchased. Maybe I will plant more Clematis in my yard.

  2. Clematis can always find a place in the garden. Love your trellis too. Lucky you to have a ground crew too. My husband does not even come out of the house if I am home. Fears the yard work I guess.

  3. What beautiful trellis, and they will look even more beautiful when your clematis have grown up them. I always say that you can never have too many clematis !!

  4. Love trellis and clematis and those you have chosen will be gorgeous...

  5. Sigh...I confess I am envious of all your lovely trees as a backdrop. :) :) :) And I dearly love all the names you have for your gardens!


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