
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rosy Plans for the Year

Rosa 'Scepter d' Isle'
Ferdinand Pichard - David Austin Roses
Rosa 'Ferdinand Pritchard'
Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll'

*All Rose photos in this post from David Austin Roses, US

While the snow was still flying here in Pennsylvania and a hot cup of tea was an imperative (!), I spent an evening sitting on the floor planning out our vegetable gardens for the summertime...

Working on rotation... order of seed events... and maybe a touch more of design in this years veg garden...
And I got out a drawing of our garden plan to think about what the next major planting goals would be this year at Havenwood Gardens...

Bright yellow signifies elements still needed in the garden... which to chose?
On the list are:
  • 6 White stemmed birch trees to complete the Birch Walk
  • 6 Hawthorn trees to pleach for the Pergola garden
  • Dozen roses for the Pergola garden and the house
  • Box cuttings for the Knot garden
  • Arborvitae to hedge the whole back of the property, which I am feeling more strongly about all the time
  • 10-12 fruit trees for the tunnel
  • More yew for hedging out in the woodland
  • Dogwood trees for the woodland understory
  • a fastigated english oak for the end of a long view

The one thing that rose to the top for me was, of course, the roses.... ;)

Rough sketch of the Pergola or Rose Garden.
After nearly ten years of drooling over David Austin's catalog of roses, it was not to be born a moment longer. I went to work with sticky tabs and my rough sketch, picturing in my minds eye combinations that would work in our Pergola garden. I took inspiration from photos of climbing roses at Wollerton Old Hall. It was terribly hard work! I have very dog-eared catalog to prove it.

When finished, I had decided to place the three roses at the top of this post, in one bed by the house. In the other bed by the house, Emma Hamilton and Munstead Wood with my ruddy-toned grasses and coreopsis...

Rosa 'Lady Emma Hamilton'
Rosa 'Munstead Wood'

In the left lower beds by the pergola, Alnwick and Wollerton Old Hall...

Rose 'Alnwick'
Rose 'Wollerton Old Hall'

And in the right lower bed, Charlotte and Abraham Darby...

Rosa 'Charlotte'
Rosa 'Abraham Darby'

For the house? The new 'Albrighton Rambler' and the old Rose 'Paul's Himalayan Musk'...
Roses 'Albrighton Rambler' and 'Paul's Himalayan Musk'
So now you know that I have gone rose mad :) But, oh it is going to look so much more substantial out there in the pergola garden... I might just go ahead and call it the rose garden since there is not sign of a pergola yet. To see more of the roses I was considering, see my Pinterest board, "Roses!"

To share in the fun this week, if you would like to get a deal on roses in the US, David Austin is running their 20% off rose promotion until March 15th...

(note: I am not making any money off the sales from this link... just sharing to spread the cheer)

Order Roses now for glorious summer blooms

Rose madness to you.

*All Rose photos in this post from David Austin Roses, US


  1. I see you have R. Charlotte on your list, this is a lovely rose with a beautiful perfume. Your garden is going to be a wonderful place with masses of perfume from all your roses.

    1. Thanks Pauline! I have never smelt any of these roses, so that is part of what is motivating me in this :) Nice to know that you have a good opinion of Charlotte.

  2. You rose to the occasion Julie. Nice selection. The only one I grow from your selection is Lady Emma H - you won't be disappointed with her, she is a beautiful rose. The colour of the foliage is a bonus too.

    1. Thanks Angie. I was told by the woman at the order center that Emma was her favorite. The foliage was one of the factors that attracted me to it, as well as it being a bit more subdued a color than "Lady of Shalott".

  3. That is so kind of you to share the news of the 20% offer. I don't have the right garden conditions for Roses -- otherwise, I would order some. I love Roses, though, so thank you for sharing the beautiful photos, too. Looks like you have some amazing plans for your garden this year!

    1. You might still consider putting one in a pot, as they have been hard at work trying to breed these roses for container display as well as garden borders. Worth it, perhaps? :) Though it would need some winter care of course... which is often my down fall with perennial containers.

  4. Woo hoo for DA roses! My catalogs also get dog-eared from lots of love. I ordered The Albrighton Rambler this year as well, along with Huntington Rose and Young Lycidas. Emma and Munstead will look fabulous together in your garden! And your other pairings as well, such good taste :-)

  5. I am thrilled to see more details of your gardens and oh the roses....I wish I could grow more.

  6. Exciting plans! Can't wait to see your gardens develop... I personally have not had the greatest of luck with DA roses so far. In general they seem to be quite disease-prone (I am strictly organic), also not thrilled with the overall habit and presentation - large, heavy flowers and weak-ish stems. The blooms look great in close-ups (as in their catalog photos) but not so great in my garden, so far. Could be the specific varieties I have, of course. I don't have any of the ones you've selected! Also I know I have too much shade - may have to pare down my roses altogether. I'll be waiting to hear how they do for you!

  7. I love roses, but I have never had much luck with them. All of these are so beautiful and I'm sure your flower gardens are going to be just beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures of them as the progress!

  8. The best Austin for my experience : Princess Anne, James Galway, The Generous Gardener, Grace, Benjamin Britten, Mortimer Sackler..
    Nerver sick, a lot of flowers

  9. Your blog is wonderful Julie. Thank you so much for putting your gardening knowledge and lovely photos here for we avid gardeners to enjoy! I've recently relocated from central Virginia to West Virginia right below Maryland, so am learning to garden in a much colder area. I suspect my conditions are a bit like yours in PA. Our property is large like yours and I have big plans for it so I really appreciate the design and planning info you are sharing here. I'm following you here and on Pinterest so I don't miss a lick! Cindy from

  10. Oh, and I wanted to say I'll be looking forward to hopefully future posts on your success with the DA roses. I just received my first and put them in containers for now. I went for cold hardy, reliable and most importantly, own root. I chose Lady of Shalott, Benjamin Britton and Scepter'd Isle.


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