
Monday, March 16, 2015

March 2015 ~ Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

Snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii) huddled in the Birch Walk this March at Havenwood.
Welcome to March in Pennsylvania!

Except for the early spring of 2012, most years we are just peeking out from under our snow cover from the months past and that is certainly the case this year...

Crocus shoots in the Knot Garden...
More snowdrops in the Birch Walk, which is on the south side of the house.
Tiny bud of our first winter aconite (Eranthus hyemalis), in the back by the willow tree.
We are certainly excited waiting for our first real spring at Havenwood gardens this year! The bulbs are poking up everywhere, waiting for some truly sunny days to really get growing. I am thinking about potting up some dahlias for the year, and the robins are just back with their delightful chatter.

I hope you are enjoying spring in your part of the northern world!

See other gardens at May Dreams for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.


  1. Love your early spring flowers, especially the snowdrop coming through the icy snow.

  2. Amazing seeing them push up through the ice/snow like that!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I wish we had some snowdrops pushing their way through. If I had a south facing garden it might be possible, however I still have at least a foot or so of snow everywhere. For now I will just enjoy yours. Thank you!

  4. They really are snow drops in your garden Julie!

  5. Your garden is bursting forth Julie. Is there anything more pretty than snowdrops in the snow - not in my opinion :)

  6. Wonderful as ever, Thank you. Here in Cape Town we are putting summer to bed and the winter is showing her cool gaze.

  7. Nice! Happy spring! I can't wait to see all the beauty in your garden (and mine) in the weeks and months ahead!

  8. We are still buried under snow here but soon my blooms will peek out....lovely to see a few snowdrops faithfully pushing up through the cold.


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