
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Progress in the Knot Garden

My daughter stepping up our newly cemented steps at Havenwood.
Greetings garden lovers! We are certainly not done with the gardens yet this year, but I thought you might like a look at where we are right now with things.

The ground work has pretty much been finished in the Knot Garden, though I am still thinking about adding a few more wheel barrow loads of dirt to the far left side to make sure it does not settle too much this winter. My husband is halfway done with the steps, as we would like to add a layer of capping stone on to the above structure.  But they are useable now (!), which is worth celebrating in itself.

A newly planted hedge of blueberry bushes on the left will balance the fruit tunnel that will hopefully go in this rectangular area by next year.
I am definitely looking forward to having a few more birch trees in the Birch Walk just passed the Knot Garden, which will help to obscure the blue house and power lines across the street. It is tough to take photos of this garden at present because that house seems to be sitting right on it! We have one birch planted already, which you can just see behind the left set of trellises in the above photo. (See my Final Plan of the garden to link these garden areas in your mind's eye.)

I have a red theme going in to this side of the garden for summer time so far. Red coreopsis and red hibiscus, along with the red tinted ornamental grass... proper names coming, but all of my plant tags are stuffed into various plastic bags at the moment! It is garden madness around here, I tell you.
View back to the back of the yard. I am hoping to start planting up the knot in the center this year, but not sure that I am going to be able to get to it.
One pretty flower re-blooming on the trellis at the moment: Clematis 'William Kennett', of WMG header fame.
I hope you are able to be out enjoying some beautiful late summer weather in your garden!

Linked to Brooke at Creative County Mom's Tuesday Garden Party


  1. Julie, your progress is wonderful this summer! I bet you're really looking forward to fall planting. It's so exciting watching your plan take shape. Congratulations on your hard work!
    RIta C at Panoply

    1. Thanks Rita! I am really enjoying some cooler weather here this week, though it is still kind of dry for moving lots of plants around. I am hoping to get over to Gilmore very soon to start harvesting :)

  2. That Clematis is so pretty! And the steps and knot garden are looking great! Your wire fencing with the gravel pathways and trim ... everything is lovely!

  3. Pretty! I found your post on the Tuesday Garden Party. I can see it all taking shape and I'm loving the pathways! I imagine some just like those meandering in my wild west garden someday :) I'm just happy we got our firepit in this weekend.

    1. Thanks Lani! They were a lot of work, by very worth it. :)

  4. looking good! Will be fun to see what you do next! hope to see you at this weeks garden party at Fishtail Cottage! xoxo

  5. A lot of work still to be done but I already can see these rich English beds and borders forming! And this clematis looks just splendid!

  6. Oh I love what you have done so far especially adding the elevation and steps...

  7. This is such an exciting time as you begin to plant what you can see in your head! You are excellent in having the plan and just working to complete it, it will be amazing Julie

  8. What big plans you have that are going to look great when finished! Wonderful work.

  9. Just dropping in to tell you, your one of the featured posts at the Tuesday Garden Party in the morning! Beautiful indeed! xxx....Brooke from
    Creative Country Mom's Home and Garden.

  10. How exciting to see the progress. Don't you wish there were more hours in the day. I'm kind of bummed because the mosquitoes around us have been so bad. It's been a wet summer and our property is quite wooded. I've tried all manner of essential oil concoctions to ward them off. My hubby could smell me all the way to the end of our 1 acre property, but that didn't keep the mosquitoes away for too long, but it sure did keep the husband away. LOL I just don't want to use any commercial stuff. But I was almost at a breaking point to do so.


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