
Thursday, July 10, 2014

360 "Before Flowers Tour" at Havenwood

Laying out the Pergola Garden this week.
I am working between rain showers this week to layout the Pergola Garden, which I posted original before photos of last week. I realized that a certain window upstairs would give me a really nice view to look at the developing proportions of my design, and I thought you might like seeing it too! So out came my camera. Then I realized that I could get good views of most of the garden by walking out on one roof and looking out other windows...

So, ta da! Here is your (almost) 360 degree, aerial tour around Havenwood Gardens this week.

Starting just to the right of the Pergola Garden, with the tire swing in the big old oak. And there is that last bit of yew hedge you missed last week! As well as the old yews that are in the middle of rehabilitation.
Said Pergola garden, with my new wisteria (the PA native W. 'Amethyst Falls'!) standing in for a small ornamental tree.
The pergola will be about 30' long and 8' wide. The grass is all going to go.... it will be flowers, pool (the small square near center) or paths.
Aerial view of the Birch Walk, which is not very birchy yet.
Right side of the Knot Garden.
The Dogwood tree at its center by the house.
Left side of Knot Garden.
The Fruit Tunnel-to-be.
Garage site of the Glasshouse
Top of the Courtyard Garden-to-be.
Broken gutter and the Potager, plus lots of grass that I am killing by the fence to start the Long Border-to-be.

One Photo of Orchard and Arbor vitae hedge missing here... so sad, but true.

End of driveway and right of Woodland.
The Spring Vista-to-be... see the Final Plan to make sense of all of these crazy garden names!
Left side of Woodland, to Pine Corner.
Back to the first tire swing in the big old oak.
No, I did not risk life & limb to capture these photos... promise :) But yes, seeing these lovely aerial views makes more more excited to restore the lovely terrace outside the master suite! It will be a while.

Thanks for walking around!
To read more on our new gardens at Havenwood, see these posts:


  1. Wow..I'm impressed at how much you've already accomplished in such a short time. We got tons of free fine dark mulch from a neighbor and are working to redo a little bit of our front of the house landscaping. And the hardest part for me is deciding what to do. I'm also on a very limited budget as we're trying to pay off debt..we're doing quite a bit of moving things around. Lol. I'm always changing things around.

    I keep studying your plans for Havenwood and am so loving all the different areas that you have planned. Prior to discovering your blog, I was so ignorant to what can really be done with a home's landscaping. Now it seems I want to change everything. And then I think, but maybe we will move someday and all the time and $ invested?! If we do move, we want to move way out into the country, and we wouldn't keep this you did yours. LOL

    Thanks for the inspiration! We should be debt free next year and I look forward to having a bigger budget for gardening and landscaping.;)

    1. Margaret,
      Firstly, let me say good for you for paying off your debt! Gardening does not have to cost a lot... it can, but it does not have to. Learning to grow different types of plants and how to make more by yourself is the beginning to being able to make a garden that is cost effective, as well as beautiful. Our first garden, Gilmore, was started with no budget, just lots of love. And it turned out pretty well in the end too :) And I am only able to spend more on this garden up front because I have had a separate savings account set aside for years saving up to start this garden.... even though I did not know where or when it would be.

      If you are interested in the style of garden I am creating at Havenwood, try getting some of the books on my booklist (tab at top of blog) from the library... that is how I started! The great English gardens Hidcote, Sissinghurst and Barnsley are three gardens that I know so well from my reading, though I have not yet had the money to visit in person. They are in my mind as I create this garden, even though it is a totally different situation.

      So glad you like the idea of the garden journal too! That is key to your learning in the garden.... and can be a good place to take notes from the garden books you read.
      Much garden love,

  2. How fascinating to look at your photos and find each area on the Final Plan. Long-term and short-term goals laid out make the work go smoothly. It will be interesting to follow along and see progress.

    1. Thanks Jean! It is a constant juggling to think about which step should come next to aid the whole. Garden construction on this size is new to me, but we will pull through hopefully. :)

  3. So fun to watch your progress. I wish I had half of your energy and ambition! Havenwood will be an absolute showplace when you finish!

    1. Thank you Kimberley! That is very encouraging to hear from a wonderful PA gardener like you :)

  4. Such a beautiful landscape plan being executed, Julie. I love following along, Thank you!
    (note: I deleted my first comment because I left out the noun in my sentence - totally incomplete thought and sentence!

    1. Thanks Rita!! Thanks for commenting along the way. It is so encouraging. :)

  5. Julie, you have achieved so much already. I'm sure you're like me and can see it finished (in your head) and all this work is just a blink to what you know will happen. It's going to be fabulous. Your neighbours who seem to have rather boring gardens must be very curious as to your plans (unless they read your blog of course)!

    1. Thank you Christina! You are so right... it seem to me like we are barely started. Someone asked me the other day, "So, are you about done with your planting?" Ha!

      Definitely some curiosity, but most of it has been very encouraging and even some cheering on... very refreshing. :)

  6. So exciting!! I love watching it come together!

  7. Julie I am adoring imagining all these gardens coming to life...what an amazing project taking place.

  8. Hi Julie, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the shots from above, it gives a really clear idea of how your garden will evolve and shows off all the magnificent big trees you already have on your property. Oh, and I love the birch walk, that will be fabulous when the trees fill out a little. I really look forward to watching it come together.


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