
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Winterthur's Quarry Garden in Full Bloom

Our visit to the Quarry garden at Winterthur
It is a busy morning here as we are getting ready for our last official day of homeschool (yea!) and for our annual garden party that is scheduled for this Saturday. But I wanted to take a minute and post a few more photos from our trip to Winterthur gardens near Philadelphia, PA from early in May.

At Winterthur, H.F. Dupont designed a spring-watered wet garden that includes an enormous collection of giant primroses, Primula x bulleesiana hybrids. They are a cross between Primula bulleyana and Primula beesiana, both parents being native to Asia (more here). Enjoy!

Step right down into this beautiful garden...

A seat for taking it all in...
Dicentra by the Cornus florida tree.
There are many treasures along the stream... Heuchera, ferns and hundreds of primroses.
Primula x bulleesiana by the spring-fed stream.
Everywhere plants are tucked into the rocks.
Logan & daddy following the path to the back of the garden...
Primula x bulleesiana are also called candelabra primroses.
Our family taking it all in.
I really enjoyed the experience of *being* in this garden. It felt like its own magical little world, especially when the rest of the estate at Winterthur has more of a wandering, connected feel to it. The concave landform of this garden creates a unique moment.
Ferns and bluebells on the surrounding hills.
The elegant overlook. I loved the style of all of the garden art at Winterthur... very refined.
View back up the quarry toward the bridge, with irises and wild ginger.


  1. Beautiful beautiful photos! Makes me want to be there :)

  2. Breathtaking! I love primroses but have not been brave enough to add them to my garden yet. They will probably struggle here, since I don't have any shady moist spots... but naturally I'll have to try them anyway at some point. I just love the shape of that garden bench - looks so inviting!

  3. That is just awesome, a really fantastic garden with my favourite plants. I have been growing lots of different candelabra primulas from seed, I don't think they will all flower this year, but hopefully next year my bog garden will explode with them all!

  4. I love your garden visits as they give me so many ideas even when I can't get to see these gardens in person.

  5. What an impressive and peaceful looking place. Enjoy the school break.

  6. Your pictures are ever so inviting. A bit of Primula heaven there!

  7. What a great location for a woodland garden. I love all the primula, and your kids are adorable.

  8. That is so amazing...I aboslutely love it...a real gem!

  9. What a beautiful garden. I have not seen this garden, but it is on my list of gardens to visit. I can see it will be worth the trip. Your photographs are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.


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