
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Scenes from the Shade Path Garden

The Shade Path garden: Variegated Solomon Seal (Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum') in front of the blue flowers of Brunnera 'Jack Frost'.
Here are some views of our Shade Path garden from the past couple of weeks. I love when it turns to this blue and white phase... so peaceful...

View down the Shade Path this May... forget-me-nots (Myosotis), chartreuse inflorescence of Euphorbias, hosta, ferns and many others.
This pretty patch work is of an unnamed lungwort (Pulmonaria) and an unnamed Euphorbia. Any suggestion as to their identities is welcome!!
One pretty little flower of Trillium grandiflorum.
Forget-me-not-like flowers of Brunnera 'Jack Frost'
Aquilegia 'Nora Barlow'
Tulip 'White Parrot' re-bloomed again this year. Parrot tulips are known for their unusual markings and shape. It is a nice, frilly addition to the sunnier end of this mostly shade garden.
Our new Fothergilla is flowering this month, and goes so nicely with the Euphorbia!
Read more about the Shade Path on our garden map.


  1. So beautiful and inspiring. I really must work on my shady part of the garden, yours looks amazing, so full and lush and just shows what you can achieve in a shady spot.

  2. Even one white trillium is a blessing. It will spread if it is happy.

  3. Shade gardens can be so peaceful and relaxing. Yours is definitely all of that.

  4. Your spring garden is looking beautiful. I love it!

  5. Beautiful shade garden, Julie. Love the shots of blue everywhere.

  6. What a lovely garden! Forget-me-nots are a favorite of mine. Everything looks so beautiful.

  7. The blue-and-white phase does look very tranquil. It would be a great place for an outdoor nap! That color harmony with the fothergilla centers and euphorbia is truly awesome.

  8. Thanks all! We have really been enjoying the garden this week, even with some heat! Hoping for some rain soon...

  9. Beautiful shots of the shade garden through your artful eyes.


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