
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

End of Tulips 'Sorbet' and 'China Pink' on the Hill Garden

More from the end of May...
I caught a few nice shots of the unwinding blooms of Tulipa 'Sorbet' amidst the sea of foliage on the Hill Garden.  These photos were taken May 20th, 2011. I love the art in Tulipa 'Sorbet'.
This is the end of a succession that began in April with Tulipa 'Ice Stick' and continued with Tulipa 'China Pink'. The blooms have totally ended for these past two weeks in this garden, but it is poised to burst again any moment with Rosa 'The Fairy',  Shasta daisies and Malva (see last years photos).

A small, short spot of "ground cover" succession (see it here in March snow). Hens & chicks (Echeveria hyb.), the dark leaved Ajuga reptans flowering with its purple spikes, some evergreen Phlox subulata and forget-me-nots mixed in.  The languishing foliage of Crocus vernus 'Jeanne d' Arc' was plucked out this week.


  1. Your ajuga looks so pretty! I love it mixed in with the hens and chicks:)

  2. Very pretty. I love ajuga when it blooms. It looks fantastic with your mix.

  3. the tulips are even gorgeous as they fade...I love intermixing groundcovers...such a cool effect in the garden...

  4. Just beautiful as always Julie, love the succulents in amongst the flowers, gorgeous!! Cheers Julia

  5. You have some very pretty combos Julia. The beds are looking really good, full and flowery.


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