
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Havenwood Comes Alive in May

European Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus fastigiata, leafing out in the Rose Garden.
European Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus fastigiata, leafing out in the Rose Garden.
May is here! I think it is my favorite month, because it is in May that spring truly arrives in my zone 5 garden. We have had many beautiful days of sun, many quiet days of rain, and the last of the frosty mornings. Blooms are popping out daily and are deeply appreciated after our long winter. 

Pink crabapple blossoms on our two old trees,
Pink crabapple blossoms on our two old trees, even though they have canker.
Brunnera 'Hadspens Cream' stand in as forget-me-nots, but they keep going with their beautiful leaves in the shade garden all through the growing season.
Brunnera 'Hadspens Cream' stand in as forget-me-nots, but they keep going with their beautiful leaves in the shade garden all through the growing season.
The Birch Walk is really starting to look like something this month! So exciting.
The Birch Walk is really starting to look like something this month! So exciting.
Pulmonaria, lungwort, loaded into the wheelbarrow on its way to a new home in the Woodland.
I am always making room for those pretty violets, even in the paving cracks.
Tulip 'Rembrandt's Favorite' is a success is our Rose garden this month! I first fell in love with it at Chanticleer.
Lamium maculatum has spread quite exuberantly in the garden this year. It is welcome for its weed smoothering properties, pretty flowers and evergreen leaves. It will however, be meeting an end to some of its growth in some areas.
The Rose garden, waiting for its eleven roses to grow on this year.

Check in at MayDreams for GBBD.


  1. Wonderful to see your garden growing in!

  2. Wow, so many gorgeous blooms! I love the violets blooming in the paving cracks. Thanks for sharing! Happy GBBD!

  3. Everything is looking so great. I look forward to seeing the transition of different blooms through out the seasons!


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