
Friday, January 15, 2016

January 2016 - Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

Creamy Lenten rose, Helleborus orientalis, already beginning to bloom on the warmer days this month.

Welcome to Havenwood! We have been having an extremely mild winter so far, and so we have more blooms this January than any other. Enjoy your walk around!

Our new Hornbeam hedge (Carpinus betulus) dressed in overcoats for its first season in zone 5.
A little lone snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii) in the Birch Walk.
Panicum grass still standing tall in the Rose Garden.
Little boxwood balls in the Rose Garden for their first winter.
Purple Lenten roses in the new Hellebore Hill. 
Stay warm friends! 

More beautiful blooms for January at May Dreams Gardens


  1. Happy GBBD, Julie :-) I've enjoyed the longer winter views of your garden - very nice. Enjoy your hellebore when it blooms - mine are only thinking of producing flower buds. Wishing you a good 2016 too :-)

  2. Your hornbeam hedge looks very cosy with its jackets! Your hellebore and snowdrop are a sign that they are happy in their new garden, hope their friends all like it too!

  3. Wow, I had to look again and see where you are located. I can't believe how far along your Hellebores are! Mine were unfolding pretty dramatically in December before the "real" winter hit in early January. I'm hoping there OK under the ice and snow. Our high tomorrow will be around 0F, with windchills at night down to -30F. Ugh. Fortunately, we're looking forward to a January thaw toward the end of the month. Hellebore Hill! I can't wait to see more posts about that garden area in the future!

  4. You are having a mild winter winter finally came so all my hellebores and bulbs that were growing are now sleeping again.

  5. Thanks all! I hope you are all starting to enjoy a beautiful spring in your area :)


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