
Monday, October 19, 2015

Fall Is for Planting Perennials

The first snow fell last night so it is high time to get these lovely shade garden plants in the ground!
The days are getting shorter and cooler and the blessed rains of autumn are breaking through the dry days of summer. It is finally fall planting season! Part of me goes into grieving every year at this time, as I hate to see the growing season end. But hope says to look forward to what is to come and so I like to channel my disappointment in to garden tasks that will bear fruit in the coming year. 

I came home last week from a perennial plant sale with golden sedge, purple Heucheras, pastel Astilbe, Autumn ferns and some new varieties of golden Hosta will fill everything out in the Beech tree bed nicely. 

Coming home with a minivan full of plants ... And three kids. There is just room enough for all! Here is Lavender 'Phenomenal', which is said to be extremely hardy.

Yes, more in the passengers seat! A whole trolley of plants fit right, tight in here, if you can believe it.
I am looking forward to seeing these lovely shade and sun plants filled out in a few years. 

Happy fall planting! 


  1. You bought a nice variety of plants with different colours and textures of the leaves. After planting it´s dreaming how it will look like next summer.
    Enjoy your gardening week before snow arrives!

    1. Thanks Janneke! I am savoring every moment. We have been blessed with temperatures in to the high 60's and 70's this first week of November! Amazing, but I know it cannot last!

  2. Good for you! I can't wait to see how you incorporate these into your lovely garden! :)

    1. Thanks Beth! They are in now, but will not look like much until next year :)
      There will be Woodland posts then for sure!

  3. I too am a little disappointed that the growing season is almost over and we are still planting a whole bunch of trees and perennials. But we've been so busy doing so, that I am kind of looking forward to some rest too. Last week, I was digging so much one day, from morning till night, that I couldn't move the next day. Finally decided to let my 13yo son help digging holes..the planting is going much better now! :) But I love the change of seasons. I love the colors and the smell of fall. :)

    1. Having help for that heavy digging can be essential! Our gravel paths about did me in this fall!!!
      Working hard before winter is a great way to be ready for a break I think :)


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