
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July at Havenwood ~ GBBD July 2015

The Rose Garden
Hello all! Welcome to our Pennsylvania garden in July! Come take a look around...

A bit out of season, but the first Bergenia cordifolia bloom is coming up now and matches the pink spikes of the Veronica. A white cultivar of Lamium is filling out nicely at their feet.
This bed contains my new favorite daylily, Hemerocallis 'Nosferatu'. It sits well with Coreopsis 'Mercury Rising' and the purple Ninebark, Physocarpus opulifolius. You can see our new line of European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) trees just in the background.
The first blooms on our white form of obedient plant, Physostegia virginiana, in front of Sedum 'Frosty Morn', a long time favorite. The obedient plant is so called because the flowers are able to be moved on the stalk and then stay put however you arrange them... a useful trick for flower arrangements! I remembering reading that description in Beth Chatto's Plant Portraits.
Pink lupines are perfectly matching the pink and white Cleome in one of the front beds of the Rose Garden.
White Echinacea with blue Veronica and the wispy stalks of feather reed grass.
I love the deep magenta color of this butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii.
Next to the Rose Garden is the serene green Birch Walk, with its tiny baby birch trees (who one day with have white stems), the surrounding yew hedging and the pointy Yucca in the corner. There are some wildflowers that I have got going in patches to add some white summer flowers to this area in the future.
One glimpse of the Hot border in the Knot Garden. I am saving more photos of this area for their own post coming up. For a full view of the garden plan at Havenwood, see About My Garden.
Orienpet Lily 'Honeymoon' was just amazing this month. Its blooms were much bigger than I knew they would be, and their fragrance was heavenly.
Orienpet Lilium 'Honeymoon'... a cross between the oriental and the Chinese trumpet lily. Buy them at John Scheepers
Cleome hassleriana, an annual that took off so well this year to fill our gaps in this first season of the Rose Garden.
The plant I am asked about daily is the meadow rue, Thalictrum delavayi 'Splendide'. It transplanted well from Gilmore Gardens and is showing off its beautiful tower of bloom right now.
Verbascum 'Southern Charm' still blooming away in the front bed in the Rose Garden.
View to the bird bath and hornbeams.
Lilium 'Honeymoon' with blue Veronica.
Lupines and obedient plant with that white Lamium again, looking to our garden door.

Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sweet Sixteen' is so beautiful & ethereal in the beds this month. Another annual that is wonderful for filling gaps and extending the summer show past the lilies. This one was bought from Thompson & Morgan in the winter and planting in our shed and cold frame to grow on. It is still amazing to me when I manage to get a plant germinated, grown on and planted out in the garden alive! Small miracles.

Red lupines with blue delphiniums that I germinated also this spring.
Here is another Sedum to adore, but which I do not have the name of at this second. They highlighted the Honeymoon lilies perfectly in this bed with all the blue delphiniums and blue false indigo.
Here is a plant that I had dreamed of growing for a decade: clary sage, Salvia sclarea. It is a biennial, so I am hoping to have some babies to keep it going. It was so spectacular that it will not soon be forgotten!
Panicum 'Cayenne' has sent up its flowers, blending so nicely with this red-er corner of the Rose Gardens.
Blue hyssop, Agastache is just covered in pollinators non-stop.
It fills in and around the red companions in the Rose garden.
I hope you enjoyed your view! Thanks for walking around with me.

Happy summer to you!

linked to MayDreams for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day 


  1. Lovely, just lovely. I love all the pics and then especially the pull backs to get an ideal of how they all look well together. Thanks so much for sharing Julie!

  2. Your gardens are beautiful, as always! I'm surprised your Lupines and Delphiniums are still blooming! Mine are done for the season. I guess it got too hot here.

    1. It is likely because they were just planted this spring! Thank you for your encouragement!

  3. Beautiful blooms! I love the airy, light feeling of your borders. It must be the grasses in the mix and all those soft-colored blooms! I wait my butterfly bush to bloom and attract all the butterflies to my garden! :)

    1. Thank you! I really wanted to incorporate more grasses in this garden to get that lighter feeling. :)

  4. Touring your garden made me realize I need more color and more texture. Mine is primarily roses, but could use some lilies and feathery foliage for starters. I love cleome! Such a good filler and so easy from seed. I feel as though I've had a lesson in garden design!

  5. Touring your garden made me realize I need more color and more texture. Mine is primarily roses, but could use some lilies and feathery foliage for starters. I love cleome! Such a good filler and so easy from seed. I feel as though I've had a lesson in garden design!


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