
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January Scenes

The first beautiful Crocus tommasinianus forced inside this January
Hello from the snow!
I hope this post find you snug, warm, and enjoying the cozy moments of winter in your region. We have been driven inside by sever cold, snow and ice since Christmas. We are making the best of our winter by keeping busy with school, crocheting and some rest before the spring gardening season arrives. Here are some scenes from outside and in this week at Havenwood....

The Birch Walk with its new yew hedge all in snow. (Remember, there are hundreds of little bulbs hiding under there! Happy thought.)
Our Potager with three sentinels...
The girls making hearts for me in the snow under the English holly (Ilex aquifolium).

 Our "Hello" fox...
... and "Goodbye" bear.

The Woodland with more snow.
Inside my room, my bookcase pulls its weigh displaying: a few of my favorite garden books on top (of Chatto and Lloyd) with birdie bookends, my grandmothers lamp atop an old pineapple crochet doily, an iron grate from 1900, various stacks of fabric waiting for inspiration and printed stacks of practices tests for the last of by RHS tests this June to complete my certificate in Horticulture (yea!). On the wall is tacked up a favorite calender photo from a British garden... perhaps inspiration for the Pergola garden that I see right out this window??
My indoor birdies
There is still a bloom on the Pelargonium from the Potager.
Pretty, vivid blooms of an orchid that is sitting... my Valentine's mantle display. I began crocheting snowflakes by the dozens this winter; quite a fun, quick project to share with friends and family! Famed here are are two of the sweet, lovie poems my husband wrote for me before we were married (now almost 13 years ago).
Nothing speaks freshness to my heart the way this crocus does today... In the words of Andrew Peterson, "My Jesus makes all things new."... listen to the song below.

Here is to hope that spring will be here again!


  1. I've been thinking of you, wondering if you were snowed up. Your children are certainly enjoying all the snow, but stay warm, cosy and safe! We have seen film of your snow on the news, I think I would hibernate!

    1. Thanks for you warm thoughts, Pauline! I am definitely in a bit of winter hibernation mode, but happy to be getting my camera out again. :)

      All in all, it has been a much milder winter so far than last year, though it would not take much. But still, I am wistful for a warmer climate when I see photos of daffodils and snowdrops in other gardens.... if only! But we get a milder, kinder summer than they have in the southern US, for which I am glad.

      I am dreaming of seeing your exquisite Himalayan poppies already!

  2. Hello Julie,
    I am very excited to see all those beautiful bulbs you planted in the Fall blooming in your Spring garden. I am suffering from a severe case of Spring fever here in Michigan. Thankfully, the Winter has been much more pleasant than last year. I lost a big section of my arborvitae hedge last season so there is lots of work in the Spring garden planned this year. I can't wait! Good luck with your studies. How exciting!

    1. Susan,
      We can make it! yes, we will. :)

      So sorry to hear about your hedge.... perhaps some new opportunities will be opened up? And yes, there is joy in the work ahead, since we can see how beautiful it will be someday.

      Thank you for your well wishes!

  3. You certainly know how to do snow there :)
    Lovely to see the kids getting out and enjoying themselves. You've got spring to look forward to, so don't be too down.

    1. Thanks Angie! Yes, we do. There is a reason why spring is my favorite, as I spend nearly 7 months thinking about it starting at bulb time in September. :)

  4. Sweet! Your kids have a wonderful place to play, and I'm sure they'll have fabulous memories of snowy fun. It's cold and snowy here, too, but our winter hasn't been as severe as last winter. So, I'm pleased. Congrats on the flowering Crocuses!

  5. Oh I must try and force corcus again next winter...what a cheery sight along with your Valentine's mantle...and all that snow to play in.

  6. I am following you. I found you via pinterest in the garden ideas for children. The water grate for kiddies to play on. A great idea if I could figure out how........anyway, now I want to have a look around so will be back

  7. As much as I'm looking forward to spring, I am in love with winter too. Last Sunday we got about 18" of snow in one day. Can't remember the last time that happened. I was lucky as I could just enjoy the beauty from indoors, while by hubby and 3 sons were out shoveling! LOL It was the most beautiful day...a real winter wonderland. I'm still loving it! I did also recently receive the most beautiful orchid from my MIL and am enjoying it's gorgeous blooms. She used to give me cut flowers for my birthday, but I'm so happy she chose the orchid.

    Happy Winter Julie..hope you and your kiddos enjoy every minute of it!

  8. Love your potted crocus. I would love to force crocus, tulips, any bulbs, but I have cats. Almost all those wonderful spring bulbs are poisonous to cats. No idea why cats feel they have to nibble on everything green and growing. My cats even eat artificial plants. Stay warm. Temps down to to below zero here tonite. I'm trying not to listen when they give the wind chill.


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