
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gardening in Pennsylvania ~ July 2014 GBBD

A bee sampling the nectar in the last foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, of the season in the Shade Path garden.
Welcome to Gilmore Gardens in July!

Work is in full swing still over at our new garden, Havenwood, as I try to prepare new beds to hold our flowers at Gilmore in the fall. There are a lot blooming over there, so here are just a few glimpses this month!
Clematis 'Fairy Dust' is a beauty on our trellis this month. I love the contrast of its center with its petal color.
Here is Clematis 'Fairy Dust' with its neighbor, Clematis 'Perle d' Azure'. See more of the latter eight feet up our maple in this post!
Veronicastrum 'Lavender Towers' on the Hill garden adds some fireworks.
Rosa 'The Fairy' is looking better this year after a terrible case of black spot last year.
Shasta daisies are always refreshing in July, and will re-bloom if deadheaded.
The classic "ditch lily", Hemerocallis fulva, blooming in Cherry Corner, with a view down the Shade Path to the gate.

Thanks to May Dreams for hosting GBBD!
Stay cool!


  1. So lovely to see your gardens...still so lovely. I can see your new gardens even more lovely...the Veronicastrum 'Lavender Towers' is my favorite with the clematis so delicate.

    1. Thanks Donna! I was afraid this garden was going to get away from me, but so far we are ok :)

  2. I love veronica. It is so graceful and Lavender Towers is just lovely.

  3. Happy Bloom Day! Your camera captured the gentle plantings so gracefully. I could scan through these photos for hours. Lovely.

    1. That is a high complement from you, Beth! Happy Bloom day!

  4. Lovely. So glad you mentioned that deadheading daisies will allow them to rebloom. Great info for us newbies! ;) Thank you!

    1. Margaret,
      Many perennial flowers work that way... foxgloves being another one. Cut them back to their top set of leaves, where you can usually see a new flower shoot already started... they are tiny, but there! Glad to help!

  5. Your clematis is very attractive. I like very much the Veronicastrum which is very graceful.
    Good evening.

    1. Thank you for your comment Armelle! I hope you are enjoying a beautiful July!

  6. Your garden looks wonderful as ever! The rose 'the Fairy' is amazing, a waterfall of little roses, so very pretty!

  7. I think I need more cultivars of Clematis. You seem to have some blooming from early spring all the way through the summer! I have tried Shasta Daisies in the past, and they never live more than two consecutive years, so I've given up on them here. I have plenty of wild ox-eyes to make up for it, though! Looking forward to seeing Bloom Day posts from your new home next year!

  8. Always enjoy your photos and reading what you are working on

  9. Well hello to another passionate gardener,

    What a beautiful bevy of blossoms you're sharing via May Dreams Garden. I think the colors of your clematis combo are just smashing together. And I admire your resolve in trying to grow 'The Fairy' in our blackspot infested world. You have more patience than myself.

    I'd be honored if you visited my blog to see my first GBBD post, only five years in the making, with a truly unique backstory,




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