
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Clematis Up a Tree

Clematis 'Perle d' Azure' growing near the Shade Path garden at Gilmore Gardens.
This Clematis is the star in one of my most popular posts of all time: How to grow a Clematis on a tree trunk. If you like this look, that post is a great place to start looking at getting one going in your own garden!

It is also popular in our own family, each of us waiting to see how high it is going to bloom this year. It is still doing well! Even though we no longer see it out our windows during the day, we still drive by Gilmore Gardens to check on how things are going. Often, the children ooh and ahh louder than the adults, as they instinctively feel that this garden is still a part of them as well. We look forward to bringing some of our flowers over to Havenwood this fall!

I had a very hard time reaching up to help tie the clematis in this year! You can see in comparison with my daughter that it is easily eight feet up our maple tree. The other climber you see is a hydrangea, Hydrangea petiolaris var. anomala.
More pretty photos of Clematis 'Perle d' Azure' in my previous post.
Here it is at the top, echoing the blue hue of catmint, Nepeta 'Walker's Low' in the curb.

I hope you are enjoying a lovely summer's week out in your garden!


  1. Gorgeous. I have 5 baby clematis'. One has bloomed a bit already this year. So looking forward to them maturing and gracing us with a beautiful display!

    1. Thanks Margaret! This one was planted about six years ago. They take a few years to get going, but really take off when they are given some mushroom compost. ;)

  2. I think this particular planting may have been what made me realize I love clematis. Great pictures. :-)

  3. Absolutely beautiful! Will you be taking cuttings of it for your new garden?

    1. I have not taken those types of cuttings yet, but that is a great idea! :)

  4. Great pictures from this beautiful clematis, nice colour!!!

  5. Love Clematises! Mine ('Nelly Moser') are finished blooming for the year, but they fill the corners at the back of the house with fabulous, magical blooms. How fun that the kids get all excited to go back and visit the old house ... and that you can go there when you want to!

    1. Yes indeed! My daughter was actually collecting a pocket full of columbine seeds in that photo... my little gardener :)

  6. I have 'Perle d Azur' growing up by gazebo. Eventhough it was accidentally beheaded on three different occasions, I think it just made it stronger! It reached the top of the gazebo this year. I think it's probably four years old now and has done its sleep, creep, leap progression. Your 'Perle' looks beautiful growing up the tree!

  7. I would certainly miss that stunning is one of my favorites growing up that tree.


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