
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tulips at Gilmore Gardens

Cherry Corner is full of Tulipa 'Apricot Impression' this May.

Welcome to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day in Pennsylvania!
We are finally in full swing for spring around here and we are absolutely loving it!

While we have been working like crazy on our new gardens at Havenwood, our old garden is blooming away effortlessly this spring. It is amazing to stand back and watch it go... rather like seeing your beloved child run and win a race all by themselves. We did have two spring clean up times this spring, cutting back out sticks, etc. And another nice layer of mulch. But really, it was very little for such a beautiful show...
We stopped by one night with some ice cream for a garden tour... just like old times again :)
Moss phlox, Phlox subulata, has started blooming in the Hill garden to go with the tulips and ornamental pear tree.
Tulipa 'Apricot Impression' in the evening sun.
Tulipa 'Red Impression' blooming with our large Forsythia in the front curb garden. The daylily foliage and Sedum 'Acre' is already up and adding to the green scene.
Virginia bluebells, Mertensia virginica, blooming away under the cherry tree. It prefers a nice shady spot, and even some moist soil.

These apricot tulips look so nice with the orangey early foliage of Spirea 'Goldflame'.
Cherry Corner has some lovely combinations right now, like the apricot tulip with tri-variegated shoots of yellow loosestrife, Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander'.

Thanks to May Dreams for hosting GBBD!
And to Brooke at Creative County Mom for hosting Home Sweet Garden Party!

What favorite plant is blooming in your garden this May?


  1. I've been looking for a apricot colored tulip. Love that color. Your garden is beautiful!

    1. T. 'Apricot Impression' is a great one! It is a Darwin tulip, so it comes back for many years if you give it a sunny, well drained site. No need to dig them up every year if they have good conditions to start with! And the colors of it change and develop over time, which is always more fun in a tulip.

  2. How wonderful that you can go back and see your former garden. It is looking really beautiful with all the lovely spring bulbs, you must be so pleased with it.

    1. It is so nice to see it happy... though I need to get over and do a bit of weeding after all of our recent rain. It still feels emotionally like my garden "home", even though we are in the midst of building a new garden. Thanks Pauline!

  3. It looks like you timed Bloom Day perfectly! Everything looks at its peak.

  4. Another tulip to add to my list for next year; Tulipa 'Apricot Impression' is stunning as you say. Has it returned each year for you or were they a new planting last autumn?

    1. This is the second year they have returned. I have had some Darwin tulips return in our zone 5 gardens for over 10 years (like T. 'Queen of the Night'). T. 'Apricot Impression' would be a nice addition :)

  5. I just discovered your blog & have really enjoyed browsing through old posts.

    Can you tell me what the pale green ground cover is in the 2nd picture? It's along the drive in the foreground. I also think the same thing is growing in the last picture & I saw glimpses in a few others - is it just moss or something else? It looks so lush & beautiful.

    1. Thanks Jenny!

      That ground cover is Sedum 'Acre'. It makes an early season carpet of rosettes and then grows to be about 6-8 inches long and flowers yellow. The bees love it! It is mentioned in the fifth photo with the red tulips in the curb also. Great lawn replacement plant or to use as cover in a border.

  6. This is so pretty! Thanks for sharing it at this week's Home Sweet Garden Party! You are on of this weeks featured posts! This weeks party will start at 4 pm today! Hope you can join us again this week too! Hugs...Brooke

  7. Very impressive garden. I honestly starting to love tulips =)


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