
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Gardening in Pennsylvania ~ GBBD April 2014

Crocus vernus 'King of the Striped' in a curb garden.
Welcome back to Gilmore Gardens for April GBBD!

Nice weather has finally arrived here in western Pennsylvania, and everyone I see around town has emerged from winter hibernation with a huge grin on their face. After such a long, cold winter, I think we all need some time to soak it all in. My family was able to spend a few hours at our old garden last weekend cleaning up the beds from excess leaves, putting out a bit of compost as mulch, and cutting back perennials and sticks.

I stopped over another evening, just after a rain. I was able to take these photos just as the evening golden hour began...

Hellebores orientalis in the Shade Path.
Iris histrioides 'Katharine Hodgkin' continue to grow well in our Shade garden, probably because it is so dry here under the maple trees.
This gorgeous flower is Helleborus orientalis of the Golden Lotus strain from Terra Nova.
Helleborus orientalis, Golden Lotus strain. It is planted in a Shade garden, which ends in a gate to the back yard.
Iris histrioides 'Katharine Hodgkin'
Evening sun in Iris histrioides 'Katharine Hodgkin' and a Christmas fern, Polystichum acrostichoides.
Another pretty Helleborus orientalis that is tinged with pink by the gate.
These Iris 'Katharine Hodgkin' are just to the right of the gate.
The curb strip planting, which we called the Front Woodland, is filling up with more crocuses and lots of tulip foliage. The ground cover around it all is the no maintenance Sedum 'Acre'.
Iris 'Katharine Hodgkin' with Geranium macrorrhizum.
Raindrops on another Helleborus, which is always produces large blooms later in the season.
Evening sun over crocuses, daylily shoots and Sedum 'Acre'.
Crocus vernus 'King of the Striped'
Thanks to Carol at May Dreams for hosting Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!

We have also been getting busy in our new garden, Havenwood. I hope to share some photos of our first plantings here later this week.
Happy April to you!


  1. Your garden is looking lovely! What a great idea to plant bulb iris under maples. I have the same situation here... will have to give it a try.

  2. Hello Julie,

    I am dying to see photos of your new garden and to learn about all your new design plans. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. It snowed here in Michigan this morning ( is April 15th) so seeing some spring flowers just made my lunchtime happy.


  3. The Golden Lotus Hellebore is beautiful! I've never seen one like it, and it's amazing. Thank you for including the source too :)

    Happy Gardening, here and at the new garden too!

  4. Gorgeous photos! Those blue irises are so lovely. If they do well in dry shade, I may need to get my hands on some. I have a spot ready-made for them! Happy Bloom Day!

  5. Beautiful spring flowers, how wonderful that you are able to go back and photograph your flowers. Your spring is certainly catching up with ours now -enjoy!

  6. I am Mariam used every single spell worker on the internet, spent untold amounts of money and discovered they are all fakes...i was the fool though; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, I decided that I wanted a tarot reading to know what my future held for me; I contacted a woman who lives locally to me and she told me about a man named (Priests Abija); he does not advertise on the internet, has another job for income, has no set prices, makes no false promises and refuses to help anyone that cannot be helped and even helps for free sometimes, he will give you proof before taking money. He is a wonderful man and he was the only person who actually gave me real results. I really hope he doesn't mind me advertising his contact on the internet but I'm sure any help/ extra work will benefit him here as (518) 303-6207 or He travel sometimes.i cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap,love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,HIV AIDS,it's all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting something

  7. Julie everything is glowing and so beautiful...I look forward to seeing what blooms in your new garden.


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