
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Crocuses are up!

Crocus 'Goldilocks' at Gilmore Gardens
And under snow! ....but still they are up. Now I am waiting for a sunny day to enjoy them. :)

Spring is coming... if slowly this year. I am expecting to have snow flurries all the way into May this year, so I am starting plants indoor a bit later also. Perhaps we will make up for it with a beautiful fall? We can hope. :)


  1. Julie how lovely...I am sure we will continue to have similar weather. With snow receding more surprises show up daily here!!

  2. I'm so glad that your long cold winter is finally going, I hope spring reaches you soon. Your crocus are really lovely, real harbingers of spring!

  3. You have all had a real hard time of it this year. Those crocus sure are a welcome sight. I'll bet it won't be too long before they put a big huge grin on your face.


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