
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Color for the Weekend: Pink

Pink flower of Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' scattered in the Shade Path Garden. White variegated Sedum 'Frosty Morn' stands out among the blue Hosta and palmated Geranium foliage.
 A few combinations from around our garden this weekend, all with a little pink...

Dianthus 'Fire Witch' and one little forget-me-not blooming along the Front Walk.
Purple Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Summer Wine') flowers start as pink buds and turn white. Fragrant mock orange (Philadelphus) is blooming white in the background.
Pink columbine (Aquilegia) in front of blue Hosta in the Shade Path garden.

Have restful weekend!


  1. Lovely pinks, the Physocarpus is a real beauty. Have a nice weekend and enjoy your garden!

  2. Refreshing as pink lemonade! Cool greens and pinks are among my favorite. I especially like the combinations in your first photo.

  3. Oh, I like that purple ninebark, with its red foliage. Also like the Frosty Morn sedum. My dianthus are just starting to bloom in the rock garden--I put in a new one this year, a dark purple called 'Diana Blueberry.' I wish the woodchucks would let me grow columbine! Pink is my favorite color, so I really enjoyed this post today!

  4. My ninebark is also blooming profusely this year. I have a similar one called 'Diablo'. Love the pinks

  5. I love that picture of the forget me not with the pink dianthus. The ninebark is beautiful, wish I had one.

  6. I love the pink columbines. They are lovely! Your garden is looking great!

  7. Wow, those plants are bright...and stunning! I was just reading about Ninebark today, and thinking what an interesting shrub it is!


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