
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tulipa 'Apricot Impression' on the Hill

Tulipa 'Apricot Impression' surrounded by silvery lambs ears (Stachys byzantine) on the Hill. Photo by Melissa Ellen.

If you missed my GBBD post, then you missed a ton of beautiful photos of our garden taken by my good friend Melissa Ellen. I love the above photo so much, that I felt it should have its own post. It shows our Hill Garden this May with Tulipa 'Apricot Impression' blooming and a few blue Muscari armenicum woven in here and there. Silvery Stachys byzantine, purple barberry, and purple-flowered Phlox subulata fill in the tapestry.

Another thing I thought would be fun to share here is that in addition to photography, Melissa has been teaching drawing and painting to my daughter Grace for the past few months. It has been Grace's favorite class this year! And they did some beautiful work together. See her painting below! *proud mommy smile* :)

My big girl with her recently finished painting in Melissa's beautifully decorated home. Photo by Melissa Ellen.
When I asked Grace what she liked best about her art class, she said, "Being surrounded by art at Melissa's house!" You might enjoy getting a peek at her house as well on her blog, Melissa Ellen's Loft. Also, Melissa has opened an Etsy shop for her original paintings... all so very earthy and beautiful!

Thanks to Melissa for all of the beautiful photos!


  1. Beautiful... I love that coral pink color of the tulips. And your daughter is so talented! That painting is amazing.

  2. Grace is SO gifted... she is a beautiful artist and I am so thankful for the time we had to do art together!:)I know your gardening and creating has an incredible impact on the way she sees beauty and creating!:)

  3. Lovely tulips ... And a very talented daughter!

  4. Wow that is an amazing shot of the tulips...and Grace is quite the artist much like her mom who paints with flowers and pictures.

    1. Thanks Donna :) She says that I can plant the gardens, and she can paint them. I am glad she will be around for awhile! :)

  5. I just found your blog and have enjoyed looking at your beautiful photos and reading about your gardening adventures. Love your book list. I love books and gardening and have some gardening book reviews you may want to read on my website I think I will have to include Chanticleer on my list of gardens I want to visit.

  6. What a beautiful painting, she is really talented. You have a right to be a very proud mother. I so much enjoy your blog. I also love your book list, I have already added a couple of them to my library.

    1. Thanks Sue Ellen! What a nice comment. I am so pleased that you have been enjoying this blog. And that you have found some new books that you love! Gardening books are beautiful works of at in themselves. Have a great weekend!

  7. 'Apricot Impression' is stunning--especially with the backdrop of your other garden lovelies. Speaking of lovelies, your daughter is so cute, and her artwork is definitely something to be proud of. She must get her 'art' sense from her mom. :)

    1. I hope that is partly true, Beth :) I feel totally out of my depth though in helping her with painting. That is why having a friend to help her has been so helpful! She has really taken off with it. I am so proud :)

  8. Your daughter has wonderful talent! Beautiful painting! Lovely photo, too!


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