
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Allium 'Purple Sensation' and Tulip 'Cum Laude' Combination

Our Front Walk garden on May 17th.
One of my favorite surprised combinations happens in the Front Walk garden this month. Tulipa 'Cum Laude' and Allium 'Purple Sensation' make a beautiful pair here, the latter just beginning as the former finishes. The blue forget-me-nots (Myosotis) add to the blue theme and the chartreuse foliage of Spirea 'Goldflame' adds some punch. You can just see the foliage of the Japanese Anemone coming up in the area, which helps to cover the rather unsightly Allium foliage while it blooms.

Read more about the Front Walk garden on the map of our town garden.


  1. The purple against the chartreuse is quite striking!

  2. Lovely colors there! My allium foliage always looks awful. I may try your anemone idea. I have some small catmint near my allium, but the catmint is too low to mask the allium.

    1. I do use the Japanese anemones to mask the allium foliage. I got the idea from Christopher Lloyd's garden Great Dixter (link below in my "gardens to visit".) Oriental poppy foliage is also up quite a bit at this time of year, as well as hostas, which many people use to mask allium.

  3. Lovely, cheerful combination. I hadn't heard of that tulip. Thanks for sharing, Julie.

  4. The myosotis is a nice touch. I have the purple sensation also, I think it is my favorite allium.

  5. The walk is spectacular...I love the combo of tulip and allium.

  6. Lovely combination of the alliums and the tulips and I just had a walk through your garden, a very nice design.

  7. That is a stunning combination...sometimes the best ones really are accidental. We should still take credit for them, of course ;-)

  8. Lime and purple are just meant to be together, don't you think?! Lovely combos you've got going there.

  9. Nice combination, you are excellent at putting plants together well. Christina


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