
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Slow Spring, but still Happy Easter!

Narcissus 'Jenny', blue Muscari armenicum, purple Phlox subulata and pink lamium in our Driveway Garden last year at this same time: March 30th, 2012.
This year in our Driveway garden: March 30th, 2013. A bit slower this year!

Tulip 'Persian Pearl', Narcissus 'Tete-e-tete' and Echeveria in a bulb pot last year: March 30, 2012.
The same pot in our garden this week: March 2013.

Tulip 'Ice Stick' and Narcissus 'Tete-e-tete' on our Hill Garden last year: March 30, 2012.
No matter where you are this spring, or what your whether is like, I would like to say Happy Easter to you!

"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." ~ Romans 5:6-8


  1. Lovely post Julie, the contrast is just as striking over here, not much is willing to put its head up into the freezing temperatures. We are going to have a hard frost again tonight, and will have to get wrapped up warm for our Easter Vigil service that starts outdoors at 9pm. Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Thanks Pauline! I hope you kept warm this morning! It is nearly 50 F today, but windy and raining. But we did get outside for a half hour before the rain started to fly the kid's new kites! :)
      Happy Easter!

  2. It's exactly the same here in Belgium ! And it's so coooold :(
    Happy Easter, Julie !

  3. Well, there was spring last year! (Very powerful quote.)

  4. Love that 'Jenny' and 'Persian Pearl'!

  5. The same in Belgium ! snow this week !!! pffffffffff

    Thank for your beautifull pics

  6. Gorgeous pictures! Love the comparison you make. Maybe I should do the same, must be fun to see the differences between two years. Nature is so much slower this year but that's no wonder of course with this winter weather in springtime.
    Have a happy Easter!

  7. There is so much difference in the garden this year from last year. I've gone back and looked at the pictures from last year also. Have a wonderful Easter!

    Sue Ellen

  8. Happy Easter to you too! I hope that you and your family have a lovely day! I can't wait for spring to really get here!!!!

  9. Happy Easter Julie. Your spring memories are's to spring as it slowly unfolds for us!

  10. Happy Easter! It's a slow spring everywhere! Last March was so sunny and whilst thus far many of us are disappointed in 2013 - just look at what we've got to come!

  11. Happy Easter! I love the photographs showing this year and last year. That is a very cool idea. I might try to start doing something like that to include in that Garden journal (that I still haven't started...darn it).


  12. Happy Easter! This spring has been slow to arrive, but it's nice to remember what is coming!!

  13. Yep, same extremes here, too. According to my latest power bill: Last March, the average temperature was 50; this March it was 25! And the plants were/are similar to yours. But I'm now seeing Daffodils and Crocuses that are ready to pop! Yay! Springtime happens eventually. ;-)

  14. The Ice Stick tulip is gorgeous. We, too, are having a slow emergence of spring. I keep hoping it will allow us to enjoy it for longer.

  15. The difference between this year and last is astonishing! Well, at least we have lots of color and bloom to look forward to. May your spring come soon!

  16. I feel encouraged by your photos; they remind me to be patient with my own garden spots that are not yet in bloom. Your Chanticleer series has been wonderful. Thank you for a beautiful post and for sharing.

  17. I like yor combination with Tulipa 'Persian Pearl' and Narcissus 'Tere a Tete'! Works really great! I think this Echiveria is rather Sempervivum. Might be Sempervivum tectorum or a cultivar from that species.


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