
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Renick's Christmas Tree Farm

Cut-your-own Christmas tree in western Pennsylvania. A view over a field of Fraser fir trees.
Christmas tree cutting was a success again this year! We really like the new place that we tried for the first time last year, so we returned. Renick's Tree Farm is a bit out there in the woods, but it is worth the drive just to experience it! Highly recommended for any one in the Pittsburgh, PA area who is looking to buy a fresh cut tree or cut your own Christmas tree.

Here are some of the pretty views from our day...

Kids assembled for tree cutting.
View of some of the 150 acres, many filled with Christmas trees, at Renicks farm.
It was a very un-Pennsylvania December day - sunny and 65 F! I did not miss tromping through the ice.
Our little girl snuggling up to a soft fir... she definitely would not want to snuggle a spruce!
Mystery plant: I loved seeing the fluffy seeds on this grass-like plant. Anyone know what it is?
We chose and cut our tree... Now for carrying it down the hill!
The girls chose this one as their favorite. Little arborists in the making :)
Anna stroking the baby tree.
What a view!
Melissa and Jesse are enjoying their first fresh tree this year. It is now so beautifully decorated! And check out Melissa's paper rose ornament if you enjoy making Christmas crafts. So pretty!
My big girl enjoying the hike up the hill.
Our family photo with our Christmas tree for the year!
The whole tree-hunting gang. :)
My husband, James, and I on the hillside.

Address for PA locals looking for Christmas trees:
Renick's Christmas Tree Farm
Choose and cut Christmas trees, Precut Christmas trees
721 W. Sunbury Road, West Sunbury, PA 16061. Phone: 724-283-1869

You might also enjoy seeing our visit to this tree farm last year with some pretty frost...
And remember about mulching your garden when you are done with your Christmas tree this year!
Happy December!


  1. How fun! I remember your post from last year, too. Your kids are adorable--they're getting bigger! We always get a real tree, too.

  2. What a beautiful place! Your kids are adorable! I so love the picture of your girls with the little tree...precious! These are going to be fantastic memories for them!

  3. You both look very happy! I see the kids liked to 'hunt' the real tree and it's enough tall and soft.

    1. It was a fun day. It is good to store up memories of the sunny days to help me make it through the winter :) I am sure it is quite cold and dark where you are, Nadezda... I hope you are staying warm!

  4. I enjoy seeing your Christmas tree post...what a beautiful spot to gather family for such fun!!

  5. You all obviously had such fun cutting your own tree and what a lovely one you chose!

  6. Very sweet pictures. We never cut our own tree, though it looks like fun. The expedition to buy the tree in some parking lot was still a fun family outing, with lots of arguing about the right size of tree, and we did lots of U-Pick stuff when the kids were small. Great memories.

    1. There are some tree farms I have heard of where you ride out in a sleigh to chose a tree. That would be a reason to hope for snow! Having just about any tradition at this time of year is really bonding for a family. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. Thanks for sharing this fun experience. Here in Italy everyone perversely thinks their tree should live forever, so they dig the trees up with roots (they die anyway, so it doesn't really help the environment)and plant in their garden, where they look ugly if they live and most don't survive anyway, who wants mature Christmas trees - much bette they are farmed for picking and after Christmas shredded for mulch. Looks like a fun day out for the family too. Look forward to seeing the decorated tree soon. Christina

  8. Your children are really growing! What a fun tradition. I loved the picture of all the "tree-hunters"! And you and your husband make a beautiful couple. The tree farm has some beautiful views. And it looks like a great place to find a tree - surely with all those trees available, anyone could find the "perfect" one for them!

  9. It looks like you got the perfect day to cut down a Christmas tree. The photographs are amazing. What a beautiful tradition. It looks like you guys had a great time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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