
Monday, October 1, 2012

Pink Dahlias in the Front Walk Garden

Pink Dahlias in the Front Walk Garden
My unnamed, pink dahlias have not been staked very well this year (...what has that gardener been up to anyway!...), but they are still blooming away this fall. 

These are the moments to savor in the garden in Pennsylvania before the coming frost. It looks like it might be a near miss here on this coming Sunday night as they are predicting a low of 34 degrees F (1.1 C). But who can think of that when looking at these summer beauties?  Not me.

See more of the Front Walk garden in all seasons here.


  1. I have not properly staked my dahlias either. But let's enjoy them as long as possible, for frost will come soon, also in the Netherlands.

  2. Julie, I love the dahlias and your are beautiful! It's pity when, after the night frost, you come in the garden and see dark buds of dahlias, suffered of cold weather. I hope the frost won't be at your garden this Sunday!

    1. Thanks Nadezda! I hope that it holds off too! I am feeling sad about letting summer go this year.

  3. It is terrible to think that you may have a frost so soon; I know some places in the UK have already had one! Hopefully I have at least another month before we have one here - last year we didn't get one until the snow came in February but I think winter is going to be longer this year. Enjoy your Dahlias while you may. Christina

    1. Last year was unusual here as well... the frost was delayed into November. I would enjoy it if it delayed again this year!

  4. I'm not a dahlia fan but these look lovely.

  5. Beautiful color! Very sweet ...

    I do not have the courage to plant dahlias, they require a lot of care!

    1. Francoise,
      The varity that I had last year, were surprisingly low maintenance and full of flowers. D. Heat Wave I believe (check my archives). The shorter dahlias are useful in that they do not sprall as much, therefore requiring less staking, and bloom sooner, which is very desirable in locations with a short growing season.

  6. WOW! Your blooms are outstanding! Enjoy them!!!

  7. Lovely flowers but we can't deny that summer is over unfortunately, must enjoy the autumn and all its wonderful colours before winter grabs us! So far we have been down to 4C but some areas in England have had a few sharp frosts, hope we have a few weeks before that hits us!

  8. Julie I love your dahlias. I hope you miss the frost...we are actually warm here so I am grateful for that!

  9. I've never planted Dahlias, but after seeing all the beauties on friends' blogs, I'm smitten. Isn't it hard to say goodbye in the fall to all the beauties?

  10. So pretty! Dahlia's are one of my favourite late summer/early fall flowers.

  11. Admittedly I'm not a true Dahlia fan, but those really are lovely. They make rather good cutting flowers which is making me think I should give them a go....


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