
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hummingbird Moth

This Hemaris moth is known as a Hummingbird moth or Clearwing moth in the US (or a Bee Hawk-Moth in Britian).  There are four varieties that fly in North and South America and three in Europe.

They are so amusing to watch as they dive about because they move just like a hummingbird, hence their common name.

I first remember seeing them when I worked at the local nursery (at which I now just spend money instead of earning it).  They would hover all around the butterfly bushes (Buddleia hyb.).  I am pleased that they have visited us in our Driveway Garden the last couple of years to drink from our butterfly bush. They like to be out in the heat of the day with the butterflies.

If you have never seen one of these moths fly and are curious about it, here is a short video clip I found.

Perhaps now you will see one this summer too!


  1. We have a huge specimen of HM flying around our garden. I keep hoping to get a good shot.

  2. Incredible photogrpahs Julie! The detailing on the wings is a joy to behold. This chap seems very similar to something we have active around here;


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  4. Great pictures! I have seen one in the garden, but found it impossible to get a sharp picture - they move too fast!

  5. I just saw my first hummingbird moth of the year last night. I wasn't sure if they were coming back this year because of the dry weather.

  6. I love these little guys!! I've seen a few in our garden this year.

  7. People should know that hummingbird/sphinx moths come from the much maligned tomato hornworm. I hope people will think twice before they smash them because eventually they turn into these amazing moths.

  8. Love your pics... again! I enjoy watching them as much as the hummingbirds!


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