
Monday, April 15, 2013

Gardening in Pennsylvania ~ April 2013 GGBD

Blooms for April along the front of our house at Gilmore Gardens.
Spring seems to have finally arrived here in western Pennsylvania, zone 5. Temperatures will be in the 60's this week (18 C) and the sun is shining.... and I have the sunburn to prove it! oops.

Yellow is the theme color this week with the forsythias and daffodils in full bloom. And our pet bunny, Bella, is enjoying the fresh new dandelion greens that I am pulling out from the lawns and borders. (Hint: Now is the time to get a jump on those weeds!)

Tulipa 'Ice Stick' blooming for a second year in the Hill Garden with Narcissus 'Tete-e-tete'.
Tulipa 'Ice Stick' and Narcissus 'Tete-e-tete' are tucked in here between patches of moss phlox (Phlox subulata) and lamb's ears (Stachys byzantine).
Finally some leaves! These are on Rosa 'The Fairy' on the Hill.
A couple of years ago, we smothered the turf in our curb strip and planted it up. The unshaped forsythia in front is blooming in this "Front Woodland" with clumps of daffodils and crocuses. Having garden on both sides of our sidewalk makes for a more interesting walk for the neighbors, and helps our property to look like it really does extend all the way to the street, instead of stopping at the sidewalk.
Narcissus 'Tete-e-tete in Cherry Corner garden. The red shoots of loosetrife and heuchera are rising all around.
Buds of Clematis 'Nelly Moser' on our trellis by the Circle Lawn. Any pruning of this Clematis should be done after it blooms in May.
Flowers on one of our old maple trees.
Bright Crocus vernus 'King of the Striped' grows through Sedum 'Acre' in our curb strip.
Anemone blanda 'White Splendor' also grows through Sedum 'Acre' in our curb strip. I am hoping they last until our white-flowered Serviceberry trees (Shadblow, Amelanchier canadensis) are in bloom!
Pink Hellebores orientalis hyb. blooming with Scilla siberica under the new foliage of our honeysuckle.
Buds forming on our purple-blooming Persian lilac (Syringa x persica). I hope they make it into bloom this year!
Check in at May Dreams for more of Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!

Thanks for taking a look around my garden!
What is blooming in your garden this week?
 ~ Julie


  1. I'm adding Anemone blanda to my plant shopping list. It's beautiful. And the picture of the persian lilac buds is gorgeous. Happy Garden Blogger Bloom Day to you!

  2. Your blooms are gorgeous...your forsythias and daffodils are just brilliant! Sounds like you have awesome weather finally!!!

  3. Thar first picture with the bed of daffodils is lovely. Happy Bloom Day and enjoy the coming of Spring.

  4. Yellow is a good color theme for spring and you have some lovely blooms. Nelly Moser is one of my favorite clematis but my Nelly succummed to clematis wilt some years ago, and I never had the heart to replace her. Yours is looking very healthy!

  5. That is a sight for sore eyes! Spring is very much delayed here in Oslo, Norway this year, so apart from some odd bulbs in bloom, gardens are weeks from your sight! :-)
    Enjoy! You have a very nice blog!

  6. Spring is so happy ! Anemone blanda, tulipe, narcissus: the same signs everywhere! It grows green visibly!!!!
    Enjoy your garden..
    Sophie, your french fan

  7. So many pretty things are coming up in your garden! I love yellow! It makes one feel very cheery especially after a long winter!

  8. I can really feel the warm sunshine coming out of your pictures... wonderful photography! Great to see those greens and bright yellows popping up. Hope we catch up with you soon!

  9. Julie I love all your cheerful blooms... so many yellow happy faces! Soon with the warmer week here we will see more blooms.

  10. I'm so pleased to see your garden coming back to life after a long winter. It is looking beautiful! Yellow is such a happy colour and matches the atmosphere of spring exactly. You asked what is flowering in our gardens, for me it is Tulips and Wisteria. Happy spring, Christina

  11. Your garden is well and truly gleaming!! I like the idea of having a curb strip - I have a small strip directly over from my garden that belongs to the local authority - it would be nice to create something a bit more pleasant to look at that grass. Maybe one day I'll try :) Isn't it nice that things are warming up!

  12. Yellow is the true colour of spring, it is lovely to see your garden looking so pretty after such a long winter. Each day as the temperature rises, more flowers open up and tempt us outside to enjoy them all, it was a long time coming, but worth the wait.

  13. So many sunny pictures! It is nice to see so many signs of spring south of us. With the exception of small bulbs, everything is still brown here.

  14. It's all so bright and cheery! That 'Ice Stick' Tulip is unique -- I don't remember seeing one like that before. You have some great combinations of plantings!

  15. It all looks great! I'm totally convinced that I need to visit Pennsylvania some day to enjoy the many horticultural destinations. How nice for you to live so close to famous gardens!


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