
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring is here!

 Crocus tomasinianus with the red stems of Cornus alba 'Elegantissima'
Crocus tomasinianus in our backyard this weekend...

Crocus tomasinianus
Crocus tomasinianus fills half of our backyard with purple flowers every spring. We are so happy to see them!
Crocus tomasinianus growing through the moss in our garden.
Read about how I discovered these pretties in our garden when we moved in!


  1. Your crocus in the garden look lovely sunny. We also had a sunny week, but now it is raining and coming week they say we get snow again and - 7 degr.C. O no!

  2. Julie these are stunning...we had more snow and are about 2-3 weeks behind you I think...we will have a warm up this weekend but not enough to have plants bloom as it will cool down again by next weekend. Of course I could be wrong about the plants blooming....I hope I am!

  3. Your crocus are stunning, how long have they been seeding about and making themselves at home with you? They look lovely with your Cornus and they go so well together. They really are telling us that spring is just around the corner, it won't be long now!

    1. Thanks Pauline! They were actually here when we moved in to our house... a gift for some gardener long ago. I think that they were probably planted many decades ago, as the prior owners did not do much with the garden except for spraying the lawn. (yuck)

      They were a most welcome surprise the first Feb we lived here!:

  4. A crocus carpet ... it's magic !!! ♥

  5. We are still covered with snow! It's melting, but I'm getting so impatient! I love your crocuses.

  6. What a happy sight! Yay, Spring is here!!

  7. Crocus! I always think of them as the bloom of spring, too! :) Love the purple!

  8. Cudowny widok tylu pięknie kwitnących krokusów. To wiosna ! Pozdrawiam.
    Wonderful sight of so many beautiful flowering crocuses. It's spring! Yours.

  9. One of these falls I really need to plant more bulbs :). I thought spring would be further along this weekend but 6-8" of snow yesterday took care of that. Tonight we "spring ahead" though so bring it on!

  10. It is so nice to see those purple crocus. Welcome Spring. We are still waiting for a little more sun and warm before our crocus open up here in Michigan, but we're close.

  11. Spring is wonderful for the feeling of everything beginning again, the circle of life continues and our hope for summer strengthens. Christina

  12. Crocuses are usually the first blooms here, too. They're such wonderful eye candy! Snow is still covering much of my garden, but it's melting fast with the rain. Yay!

  13. beautiful!:) Made me happy to see them the other day! So excited for color!!! spring time is on it's way!!!:)

  14. It's nice to see them naturalised like this. One day I'm hoping mine will look like this! It must have been a real treat to see these appear your first spring in the house. Delightful!

  15. That is so pretty! Do you do anything to encourage them, or are they truly care-free?
    Funny, I'm pretty sure you've gotten more snow there than we in NE PA have this year, but even after the warm weekend, I still had snow on the ground! I was hoping to see some winter aconite blooming in my own yard, but not yet. Lots of little green shoots though!


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