
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Heavy Snow

Shoveled path to our front door.
Shoveled path to our front door.
We had quite the snowfall the day after Christmas, and it is still with us two weeks later. (See our still standing snow fort.) I took these photos of our garden covered in snow the first week. Hopefully, we are going to have a thawing out at the end of this week!

There is easily over a foot of snow on our Driveway garden... Do you see the lavender calling out for help to the left of the path?
There is easily over a foot of snow on our Driveway garden... Do you see the lavender calling out for help to the left of the path?
Icy rose bush also in the Driveway garden.
Icy rose bush also in the Driveway garden.
More shoveled paths...
A bit of green ivy and grape hyacinths peeking from underneath the snow.
A bit of green ivy and grape hyacinths peeking from underneath the snow.
Snow on one of our maples
Snow on one of our maples
Snow crushing our large, but wimpy, arbor vitae. I knocked all the snow off soon after.
Snow crushing our large, but wimpy, arbor vitae. I knocked all the snow off soon after.
Snow outlining our neighbors maple and evergreens.


  1. It's so pretty! Growing up in the south, I think I've only had slow like this once!

  2. It made mefeel very cold looking at all your snow, even if it is very beautiful. Christina

  3. Amazing pictures, such a change from the ones we normally see of your beautiful flowers! Hope your lavender survives ok.

    1. I do to, Pauline. It has done well the past five years so far. I have some other plants that are covered in ice which I am hoping to be able to pull them out of it in a few days after it warms up a bit.

  4. Your house is lovely in its blanket of snow...we are also due for more of a thaw this weekend and I expect most of the 4 ft we have to melt :)

    1. All I have to say Donna is ugh! But I am glad you are going to have a thaw also!

  5. Oh that reminds me of what it was like two years ago here in Scotland. Your front door photo reminded me of a lovely Christmas card scene Julie.

    (btw I haven't forgotten your request about the refractions - I've penciled in a blog post just for you.....though not so sure yet when I'll get around to posting it at the moment)

  6. Wow, that is some real snow! We only have traces on the ground around here. I'm almost jealous. Actually, no I'm not.

  7. It looks so beautiful your house and garden in the snow. It makes me a bit jealous, we have this only once in about 4 years and I'm always looking forward to it, on the other side it's also very cold. But your perennials survive better under a layer of snow than when you have frost without snow.

    1. You are right, Janneke. I am a bit worried that the cold temps in the rest of January without having our snow cover... though having it go with make it easier to pull pots into the garage for cover.

  8. Goodness that is a lot of snow. If we had that much snow here the country would just grind to a halt!!

  9. I know it can be a pain to deal with...but it's so pretty!

  10. Wow, your first photo is beautiful! Hope you've gotten a chance to enjoy all that snow.

  11. Wow, that is a lot of snow! I bet that is fun to play in. We rarely get snow but when we do everything shuts down.

  12. Dear Julie, We have snow, too, but not as much as you. I must say this winter seems much more 'natural' than last year's mild one. I am sure your children are enjoying the snow. P. x

  13. I had to smile when I saw your photos. It's after 9 p.m. here and I am sitting here in my swimsuit, cursing the fact that I have just run out of ice cubes. We are in the middle of heatwave in the Land Down Under.


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