
Friday, August 26, 2011

Update on the Curb Strip Planting...

The new trees are all in the ground: 
                        Maples by the backyard fence - check
                        Serviceberry in the curb strip - check

Larger Serviceberry in front and the smaller one was moved further down.
I have done this lawn-killing thing before... ok, many times before. So it is surprising to me what a deep breath I still needed to take before sinking a shovel into that green, weedy expanse.

An hour later, the curb was polka dotted all the way to the corner.
And some of my neighbors were giving me funny, incredulous looks. Again.

And now the real daydreaming begins.

I have always planned on keeping this curb strip more simple than the other one, which has become the Front Woodland. But now that I see that fresh, dark dirt just waiting to sprout something, I am having new dreams of grandeur. 

Picture this: waves of small white bulbs blooming in unison under the Serviceberry trees in early May... or maybe blue and white?...I must look at May photos.

And for summer: Something simple like Geranium 'Rozanne' blooming in clumps among the Sedum 'Acre'. Oh, bliss.

Read the original post about Designing a Curb Strip Planting in Lieu of Lawn.


  1. How fun to find a new area to plant! Blue and white for May sounds dreamy.

  2. Oh...this is beautiful! I cannot wait to see it in spring!

  3. As gardeners, we can't resist the sight of an available space no matter how hard we try!

  4. Planning a new area is just as exciting as doing it, you are going to have such fun! I'm all for getting rid of non essential grass, your new planting will be far more interesting and in the long run, be far less work than mowing every week, good for you !

  5. I have always loved the people who task themselves with growing beauty where the rest of us may enjoy it. A labor of love, of hope, and of trust.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


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