
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fresh New Day...

For all gardeners, regardless of their equatorial location...

Whether it is with flowers or in the snow... 

       here is hope that you are enjoying the freshness of a new day today.

"Behold, I am making all things new." Rev 21:5

Top: Snow on the maple tree out our front door on Friday morning.
Bottom: Forced white hyacinth bloom from Ruth's bridal shower two weeks ago.


  1. I love your snowy branch photo! Here, the morning the sun is shining, the temperature is mild, and the air smells fresh. It is indeed a great day, full of blessings and potential.

  2. Your pictures are lovely, especially the image of the sunlit hyacinth. Here the day is gray and dull, but there are some delicious strawberries on the menu for brunch that have traveled a long way from somewhere warmer. It is comforting to know that there is spring out there somewhere. Enjoy your Sunday!
    P.S. The photo of your three children playing in the leaves is priceless.

  3. Hi Julie
    Good to find you via Blotanical. Will follow your posts there,
    aka Bay Area Tendrils /
    Alice's Garden Travel Buzz

  4. Thank you for such a wonderful message. This picture of snow is really beautiful, I miss snow.

  5. This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it :-)

  6. What a lovely post and reminder to pause and appreciate - no matter what we find on our doorstep in the morning! Both photos are lovely, but I am in awe of the tree branches in snow. Such gorgeous shapes on their own, and beautifully "framed" in your picture!


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