
Monday, March 21, 2011

Are you a sign of spring?

We have watched the robins come... the snow melt away... the first flowers (crocuses!)...
     and now comes the surest sign: the outdoor gardener.

 Iris reticulata 'Clairette' in our Driveway Garden

I began working in my yard last week, which is a corner lot in a town borough.  A four-way stop sits just steps away from our Cherry Corner Garden (and gives us real appreciation for the nice height that tree is already providing ).  Our evergreen coverage is pretty darn immature at this point, though our yard is lined with shrubs.  Present, but you hardly hid one foot behind those little arbor vitae. 

As I began to rake the leaves from the front beds, trim the Japanese anemone left-overs, grab out the daylily remains, I felt that I was being watched.  This is nothing new, since as I said,  I am gardening on a corner lot. But this was a little more intense than usual.  I sensed the cars slowing to the sign more like they were crawling rather than trying to quickly get home after work.

And just as I was thinking, "I guess everyone notices me again this year...," the door of the apartment build across the street flings open and a neighbor pops out with arms held high, "It's spring!" she says.  
"So glad to see you outside again!" 

At first I was rather embarrassed, but why should I be?

Who but the gardener really knows how to enjoy the season. 


  1. I love it! All around gardeners are getting out diggin' in the dirt, nurseries are overrun with people, lawnmowers are buzzing. Everyone feels just like your neighbor across the street -- arms held high, exclaiming "It's Spring!!!" Excitement is in the air :-)

  2. Sounds a lot like me. I garden on a high visibility corner lot too, and neighbors do always comment about my being in the yard a lot (often taking pictures too). Oh well, I am growing a thick skin:)

  3. Cute! You are the sign of spring to your neighborhood! I bet they love your garden and the beautiful blooms it provides.

  4. Spring has brought our neighborhood outside too. Everyone is starting to clean away the winter.

  5. I love working outdoors. Our winters are cold and long and I miss the interaction with my neighbors during the winter. Being outside gives me the opportunity to interact with them and brag every now and then when my neighbors ask questions about my garden. Of course I am happy to share what I know.

  6. Spring has sprung here and I can't wait to have an uninterrupted day in the garden. I may just run out the door with my hands held high :)

  7. I love the picture of the Iris! Such a pretty shade of blue =)

  8. So true, so true. I have been working outside almost every day since February 14 getting ready for all the activities of my nursery. It feels great.

  9. I've just come in from a day of puttering in the garden, the first since January. It's definitely spring! Thank you for visiting my blog. Cheers, Grace

  10. Hello Julie,
    I've made a post about your blog today as I wanted my readers to know about it.

  11. For me the first rite of Spring, is the grounds walk through. I am not sure what I am scrutinizing but the plants must sense it it important because not long after the "march" they began to spring up out of the ground and start to bud. Now that is a well behaved garden.

  12. I love it! It actually is quite hilarious that they get excited to see you out in your yard! You definitely have a positive effect on them. (we dont always notice how we make an impact on others :-) )
    Have a wonderful spring! I am forced to wait a bit longer for mine.

  13. Love it! Surely you will inspire others to step outside and enjoy the season!

  14. LOL! You have a great position to gardening on a corner lot.You sound like me wanting my plants to go right past the first year onto the third year when everything is suppose to grow in leaps.LOL! My neighbors just think "will she is at it again" when I am starting to roam around outdoors already to get pictures.It feels so good to be outdoors again and playing in the dirt. These few days of warm weather have been so wonderful that I don't even mind the cool down they are predicting. I had a little gardening fix now to tide me over. Love your postings!


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